

Dr. Angel A. Juan is a full professor of data analytics and operations research at the Universitat Politècnica de València, and a lead researcher of the Intelligent Computing and Systems Optimization (ICSO) meta-group at the CIGIP research center. Also accredited in computing and artificial intelligence by ANECA, he has been a full professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Dr. Juan is/has been an invited professor at the University College Dublin, Universidade Aberta, Euncet Business School, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

Dr. Juan holds a Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics, an M.S. in Information Systems & Technology, and an M.S. & B.Sc. in Mathematics. He completed predoctoral internships at Harvard University as well as at Universidad de Alicante, and has been Visiting Researcher at the following institutions: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Southampton, University of Portsmouth, Technical University of Dortmund, Trinity College Dublin, LAAS-CNRS, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, and University of Bologna. 

His main research interests include applications of data analytics, optimization-simulation, and artificial intelligence in computational transportation & logistics, production, and computational finance. He has published over 180 articles in JCR-indexed journals and more than 370 documents indexed in Scopus. Dr. Juan is or has been principal investigator in several R&D projects, including multiple Spanish R&D projects, Horizon Europe projects, CYTED international networks, Spanish networks of excellence, France-Spain CTP networks, regional projects, and Erasmus+ Consortia. In addition, he has contributed as a researcher in many other R&D projects of international and national scope.

Dr. Juan is a board member of the Decision Science Alliance, and a research member of the Valencian Granduate School and Research Network of Artificial Intelligence. He is an expert member of the mathematics and business panels of the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO) and the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento. He has been a council member of the INFORMS i-Sim society, as well  as an executive council member of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research (SEIO). He is also referee of the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) as well as editorial board member of several international journals: Internet of Things, J. of Simulation, European J. of Industrial Engineering, Algorithms, Int. J. of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, Int. J. of Educational Technology in Higher Education, etc. He has been general co-chair of several international conferences (SimuTools, DSA International Summer Conference, Metaheuristics International Conference, etc.), as well as proceedings editor and session chair in the prestigious Winter Simulation Conference.

Dr. Juan is currently the academic director of the MBA at UPV. He has been Academic Director of the UOC MSc. in Computational Engineering & Mathematics as well as of the UOC MSc. in Bioinformatics & Biostatistics. He has also been the UOC Academic Director of the inter-university Doctoral Program in Bioinformatics. He has supervised over 15 PhD theses, 50+ MSc. theses, and 70+ BSc. theses (already finished) in up to 8 different universities in Spain, the UK, Ireland, Portugal, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Dr. Juan has been included in different national and international rankings, such as the ones provided by the DIH Group, and the Research.com.

Scopus docs = 370+, h-index = 51; Web of Science articles = 265+, h-index = 45; GScholar h-index = 66, i10-index = 200+. Researcher ID: GWZ-7540-2022, Orcid code: 0000-0003-1392-1776, Scopus ID: 56129392700.