
  • Juan, A.A.; Ammouriova, M.; Tsertsvadze, V.; Osorio, C.: “Sim-Learnheuristics: A Tool for Decision Making under Stochastic and Dynamic Conditions”. SimuTools 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia. December 9-10, 2024.
  • Escoto, M.; Juan, A.A.; Guerrero, A.; Medina, V.: “A Simheuristic for the Stochastic Multi-Depot Traveling Facility Location Problem with Electric Vehicles”. SimuTools 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia. December 9-10, 2024.
  • Martin, X.; Keenan, P.; Panadero, J.; McGarraghy; Juan, A.A.: “A Simulation-Optimisation Tool for Routing Drones in Realistic Conditions”. SimuTools 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia. December 9-10, 2024.
  1. Juan A. “Simheurísticas: resolviendo problemas de optimización con incertidumbre” Instituto Matemáticas Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS), Sevilla, Spain. November 27-28, 2024.
  2. Juan A. “Datos e inteligencia artificial: ¿cómo nos afectan?” XXI Semana de la Ciencia, Alcoy, Spain. November 25, 2024.
  3. Juan A. “Algoritmos Inteligentes para Logística y Transporte Sostenibles”. University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. September 9, 2024. 
  4. Juan A. “SimLearnheuristics: combining simulation with machine learning and heuristics”. Keynote Speaker at the SimuTools’23 International Conference. Sevilla, Spain. December 16, 2023.
  5. Juan, A. “X-Heuristics & Agile Optimization”. Invited talk at Amazon Inc. Luxembourg. May 14, 2021.
  6. Juan, A.: “X-Heuristics & Agile Algorithms for Smart and Sustainable City Logistics”. Invited Talk. University of Vienna, Austria. January 23rd, 2020.
  7. Juan, A.: “X-Heuristics & Agile Algorithms for Smart and Sustainable City Logistics”. Invited talk at the International workshop on Digital Technologies in Transport (CM3). Barcelona, Spain, November 19, 2019.
  8. Juan, A. “Biased Randomized Algorithms: theory and applications to the optimization of telecommunication systems and smart city logistics”. Invited talk at University of Bologna, Italy. November 16, 2018.
  9. Juan, A. “Sustainable Transportation & Smart Logistics: algorithms and case studies”. Invited talk at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 6th, 2018.
  10. Juan, A. “Simheuristics and Learnheuristics: extending metaheuristics to solve stochastic and dynamic problems in transportation and logistics”. Invited talk at University College Dublin, Ireland. August 10th, 2018.
  11. Juan, A.: “Applications of Simheuristic Optimization Algorithms in Logistics, Transportation, Production, Finance, and Telecommunication Systems”. Invited talk at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. July 26th, 2018.
  12. Juan, A. “Simheuristics: extending metaheuristics to cope with real-life uncertainty”. Invited Talk at Pontificia Universidad Javierana, Colombia. May 18, 2018.
  13. Juan, A: “A Tutorial on Simheuristics: how simulation can efficiently support metaheuristic algorithms in stochastic optimization”. Invited Talk. University of Worcestershire, UK. March 20, 2018.
  14. Juan, A.: “Biased Randomization of Heuristics using Skewed Probability Distributions: a survey and some applications”. Invited talk at the University College Dublin. Belfield, Ireland. July 28th, 2016.
  15. Juan, A.: “From Metaheuristics to Simheuristics and Learnheuristics: applications to Logistics, Transportation, and Production”. Invited talk at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. June 21st, 2016.
  16. Juan, A.: “Simheuristics: extending metaheuristics to solve stochastic combinatorial optimization problems”. Invited Talk at Portsmouth University. Portsmouth, UK. April 28, 2015. 
  17. Juan, A.: “Solving Non-Smooth Optimization problems throughout Multi-start Biased Randomization of Heuristics”. Invited Seminar at Universidade Aberta, Portugal. July 6th, 2012.
  18. Juan, A.: “Randomized Heuristics for solving the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem”. Invited Seminar at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France. April 6th, 2012.
  19. Juan, A.: “Combining randomized heuristics, Monte Carlo simulation, and parallel computing for solving the VRP with stochastic demands”. Invited Seminar at CORMSIS, University of Southampton, UK. December 8th, 2011.
  1. Guidotti, R.; Franco, G.; Schmid, M.; Li, Y.; Peyman, M.; Martin, X.; Ghorbani, E.; Tsertsvadze, V.; Polat, O.; Juan, A. (2024): “Design of a Hybrid Ground Motion Index and Cat-in-a-Grid Parametric Earthquake Trigger for Morocco”. 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Milan, Italy. June 30th – July 5th, 2024.
  2. Jost, N.; Ammouriova, M.; Grochala, A.; Juan, A.A.; Schumacher, C. (2023): “Solving the Multi-Allocation p-Hub Problem with Stochastic Travel Times: A Simheuristic Approach”. 2023 Winter Simulation Conference. San Antonio, TX, December 10-13, 2023.
  3. Giusti, G.; Lopez, D.; Juan, A.A.; Corlu, C. (2023): “Can Gambling Ads Affect Customer Risk Behavior? A Simulation Study to the ‘888’ Case”. 2023 Winter Simulation Conference. San Antonio, TX, December 10-13, 2023. 
  4. Li, Y.; Polat, O.; Juan, A.A.; Calvet, L.; Kizys, R. (2023): “Simheuristic and Learnheuristic for Solving Stochastic and/or Dynamic Portfolio Optimization Problems”. The OR Society’s Simulation Workshop. Southampton, UK. March 27-29, 2023.
  5. Seiringer, W.; Castaneda, J.; Altendorfer, K.; Gayan, L.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “Potential of Simulation Effort Reduction by Intelligent Simulation Budget Management for Multi-Item and Multi-Stage Production Systems”. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Singapore, December 11-14, 2022.
  6. Leon, J.; Peyman, M.; Li, Y.; Dehghanimohammadabadi, M.; Calvet, L.; Marone, P.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “A Tutorial On Combining FlexSim With Python For Developing Discrete-Event Simheuristics”. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Singapore, December 11-14, 2022.
  7. Onggo, S.; Martin, X.; Corlu, C.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “Solving Facility Location Problems for Disaster Response using Simheuristics and Survival Analysis: A Hybrid Modeling Approach”. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Singapore, December 11-14, 2022.
  8. Herrera, E.; Juan, A.A.; Panadero, J.; Carracedo, P.; Perez, E.; de la Torre, R. (2022): “Combining Survival Analysis and Simheuristics to Predict the Risk of Delays in Urban Ridesharing Operations with Random Travel Times”. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Singapore, December 11-14, 2022.
  9. Juan, A.A.; Faulin, J.; Ammouriova, M.; Panadero, J.; Li, Y. (2022): “Simheuristics: An Introductory Tutorial”. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Singapore, December 11-14, 2022.
  10. Ammouriova, M.; Leissau, M.; Panadero, J.; Schumacher, C.; Laroque, C.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “A Biased-Randomized Simheuristic for a Hybrid Flow Shop with Stochastic Processing Times in the Semiconductor Industry”. 2022 Winter Simulation Conference. Singapore, December 11-14, 2022.
  11. Lostumbo, M.; Saiz, M.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Lopez, D. (2021): “Combining Simulation with Reliability Analysis in Supply Chain Project Management under Uncertainty: A Case Study in Healthcare”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  12. Peyman, M.; Li, Y.; Tordecilla, R.; Copado, P.; Juan, A.; Xhafa, F. (2021): “Waste Collection of Medical Items under Uncertainty using Internet of Things and City Open Data Repositories: A Simheuristic Approach”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  13. Martins, L.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A.; Barrios, B.; Calvet, L.; Tondar, A.; Sanchez, J. (2021): “Supporting Efficient Assignment of Medical Resources in Cancer Treatments with Simulation-Optimization”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  14. Martins, L.; Torres, M.; Perez, E.; Corlu, C.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2021): “Solving a Urban Ridesharing Problem with Stochastic Traveling Times: a Simheuristic Approach”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  15. Freixes, A.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Gomez, J.; Serrat, C.; Juan, A. (2021): “A Genetic Algorithm Simheuristic for the Multi-unmanned Aerial Vehicle Orienteering Problem”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  16. Rabe, M.; Tordecilla, R.; Chicaiza, J.; Martins, L.; Juan, A. (2021): “Supporting Hospital Logistics during the First Months of the COVID-19 Crisis: A Simheuristic for the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  17. Herrera, E.; Neroni, M.; Panadero, J.; Bartolini, M.; Juan, A. (2021): “Last-mile delivery of pharmaceutical items to heterogeneous healthcare centers with random travel times and unpunctuality fees”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  18. Peyman, M.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Dehghani, M. (2021): “A Tutorial on How to Connect Python with Different Simulation Software”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  19. Laroque, C.; Copado, P.,; Leissau, M.; Schumacher, C.; Panadero, J; Juan, A. (2021): “A Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event Heuristic for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem with Multiple Paths”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  20. Wolfgang, S.; Panadero, J.; Altendorfer, K.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A. (2021): “Applying Simheuristics for Safety Stock and Planned Lead Time Optimization in a Rolling Horizon MRP System under Uncertainty”. 2021 Winter Simulation Conference. Phoenix, AZ, USA. December 12-15.
  21. Xhafa, F.; Aly A.; Juan, A. (2021): “Optimization of Task Allocations in Cloud to Fog Environment with Applications to Transportation Systems”. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. Toronto, Canada. May 12-14, 2021.
  22. Shaker, H.; Xhafa, F.; Juan, A. (2021): “Modelling and Evaluation of Cloud to Fog (C2F) environment for Task Allocations with C-V2X Applications in Transportation Systems”. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications. Toronto, Canada. May 12-14, 2021.
  23. Nieto, A.; Juan, A.; Kizys, R.; Bayliss, C. (2021): “Asset and liability management in insurance firms: a biased-randomised approach combining heuristics with Monte Carlo simulation”. 10th Simulation Workshop, UK. March 22-26, 2021.
  24. Tordecilla, R.; Panadero, J.; Quintero, C.; Montoya, J.; Juan, A. (2020): “A Simheuristic For The Location Routing Problem With Facility Sizing Decisions And Stochastic Demands”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  25. Bayliss, C.; Nieto, A.; Juan, A.; Serra, M.; Gandouz, M. (2020): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for Robust Asset and Liability Management”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  26. Panadero, J.; Juan, A.*; Grifoll, M., Dehghani M.; Freixes, A.; Serrat, C. (2020): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for the Persistent Surveillance Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Travel Times”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  27. Rabe, M.; Chicaiza, J.; Tordecilla, R.; Juan, A. (2020): “Simheuristics for Multi-Period Facility Location Problems with Forecasted and Random Demands”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  28. Saiz, M.; Lostumbo, M.; Juan, A.; Lopez-Lopez, D. (2020): “Using Simulation-Optimization for Stochastic Project Portfolio Management with Sustainability Criteria”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  29. Juan, A.; Laroque, C.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; de la Torre, R. (2020): “A Discrete-Event Heuristic for Makespan Optimization in Multi-Server Flow-Shop Problems with Machine Re-Entering”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  30. Corlu, C.; Panadero, J.; Onggo, S.; Juan, A.* (2020): “On the Scarcity of Observations when Modelling Random Inputs and the Quality of Solutions to Stochastic Optimisation Problems”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  31. Bayliss, C.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Martins, L. (2020): “A Simulation-based Learnheuristic Algorithm for the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem with Dynamic Rewards”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  32. Barrios, B.; Juan, A.*; Altendorfer, K.; Peirleitner, A.; Estrada, A.; Panadero, J. (2020): “On the use of Simheuristics to Optimize Safety-Stock Levels in Material Requirements Planning with Random Demands”. 2020 Winter Simulation Conference. Orlando, FL, USA. December 13-16.
  33. Raba, D.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Bayliss, C.; Estrada, A. (2019): “Combining Internet of Things with Simulation-Optimization in a Food Supply Chain”. 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Maryland, USA. December 8-11.
  34. Juan, A.; Reyes, L.; de la Torre, R.; Panadero, J.; Faulin, J.; Latorre, I. (2019): “Simulation-based Optimization in Transportation & Logistics: Comparing Sample Average Approximation with Simheuristics”. 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Maryland, USA. December 8-11.
  35. Onggo, S.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Corlu, C.; Agustin, A. (2019): “The Risks of Not Considering Input Uncertainty in Combined Inventory-Management and Vehicle-Routing Problems”. 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Maryland, USA. December 8-11.
  36. Bayliss, C.; Juan, A.; Estrada, A.; Franco, G.; Guidotti, R. (2019): “Combining Simulation with a Biased-Randomized Heuristic to Develop Parametric Bonds for Insurance Coverage Against Earthquakes”. 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Maryland, USA. December 8-11.
  37. Panadero, J.; Juan, A.*; Serrat, C.; Grifoll, M., Dehghani M.; Freixes, A. (2019): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for the Persistent Surveillance Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Travel Times”. 2019 Winter Simulation Conference. Maryland, USA. December 8-11.
  38. Rabe, M.; Klueter, A.; Juan, A.; Bayliss, C.; Panadero, J. (s-190510): “Using Simheuristics for Supporting Risk-aware Decision Making in Transport and Logistics under Uncertainty Scenarios”. 18th ASIM Dedicated Conference on Simulation in Logistics and Production. Chemnitz, Germany. September 18-20.
  39. Reyes, L.; Juan, A.; Bayliss, C.; Panadero, J.; Faulin, J.; Copado, P. (2019): “A Biased-Randomized Learnheuristic for Solving the Team Orienteering Problem with Dynamic Rewards”. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting. Barcelona, Spain. September 18-20. 
  40. Martins, L.; Bayliss, C.; Juan, A.*; Panadero, J.; Marmol, M. (2019): “A Savings-Based Heuristic for Solving the Omnichannel Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-up and Delivery”. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting. Barcelona, Spain. September 18-20.
  41. Nataraj, S.; Alvarez, C.; Sada, L.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Bayliss, C. (2019): “Applying Machine Learning Methods for Enhancing the Probability of Success in Logistics Tenders”. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting. Barcelona, Spain. September 18-20.
  42. Juan, A.*; Freixes, A.; Panadero, J.; Estrada, A.; Serrat, C. (2019): “Routing Drones in Smart Cities: a biased-randomized algorithm for solving the team orienteering problem in real time”. 22nd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting. Barcelona, Spain. September 18-20.
  43. Franco, G.; Guidotti, R.; Bayliss, C.; Estrada, A.; Juan, A.; Pomonis, A. (2019): “Earthquake Financial Protection for Greece: A Parametric Insurance Cover Prototype”. 2nd Int. Conf. on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure. Chania, Greece. June 23-26.
  44. Martins, L.; Raba, D.; Panadero, J.; Estrada, A.; Juan, A. (2019). “Using Simheuristics in the Multi-Period Inventory Routing Problems”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments (ICRA8), pp. 28. ISBN: 978-3-900932-64-0. Vienna, Austria. April 23–26.
  45. Juan, A.*; Reyes, L.; Bayliss, C.; Freixes, A.; Faulin, J. (2019). “Simheuristics & Risk Analysis in Smart Sustainable Cities”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments (ICRA8), pp. 50-51. ISBN: 978-3-900932-64-0. Vienna, Austria. April 23–26.
  46. Juan, A.; Kelton, D.; Currie, C.; Faulin, J. (2018): “Simheuristics Applications: Dealing with Uncertainty in Logistics, Transportation, and other Supply Chain Areas”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  47. Festa, P.; Ferone, D.; Pastore, T.; Juan, A.; Bayliss, C. (2018): “Integrating biased-randomized GRASP with Monte Carlo simulation for solving the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  48. Reyes, L.; Mozos, J.; Panadero, J.; Ospina, C.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.* (2018): “The Team Orienteering Problem with Stochastic Rewards and Service Times: a Simheuristic Approach”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  49. Onggo, S.; Mustafee, N.; Juan, A.; Molloy, O. (2018): “Symbiotic simulation: hybrid model meets big data analytics”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  50. Estrada, A.; Serrat, C.; Nogal, M.; Cavero, M.; Juan, A. (2018): “Distribution planning in a weather-dependant scenario with stochastic traveling times: a simheuristic approach”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  51. Panadero, J.; Juan, A.*; Corlu, C.; Mozos, J.; Onggo, S. (2018): “Agent-based simheuristics: extending simulation-optimization algorithms via distributed and parallel computing”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  52. Maccarrone, L.; Ferone, D.; Giovannelli, T.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.* (2018): “A simheuristic algorithm for solving an integrated resource allocation and scheduling problem”. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference. Goteborg. Sweden. December 9-12.
  53. Panadero, J.; Freixes, A.; Mozos, J.; Juan, A.* (2018): “Agile Optimization for Routing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles under Uncertainty”. XVIII Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Granada, Spain. October 23-26.
  54. Campos, N.; Nogal, M.; Caliz, C.; Juan, A.* (2018): “Using Simulation and Serious Games in STEM Education”. Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Civil Engineering Education. Barcelona, Spain. September 5-8, 2018.
  55. Alvarez, P.; Serrano, A.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2018): “Using Modelling Techniques to Analyse Urban Freight Distribution”. Actas del XIII Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Gijon, Spain. June 6-8.
  56. Juan, A.*; Faulin, J.; Raba, D.; Freixes, A.; Reyes, L. (2018): “Simheuristic Algorithms for Transportation and Logistics Problems under Uncertainty”. Actas del XIII Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte. Gijon, Spain. June 6-8.
  57. Fajardo, J.; Juan, A.; Serrano, A.; Reyes, L. (2018): “Biased Randomization Strategies in Metaheuristics to Solve Problems in Transportation”. Actas del XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Oviedo, Spain. May 29 – June 1, 2018.
  58. Juan, A.*; Faulin, J.; Reyes, L.; Raba, D.; Freixes, A. (2018): “Simheuristics: Extending Metaheuristics to solve Optimization Problems under Uncertainty Scenarios”. Actas del XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Oviedo, Spain. May 29 – June 1.
  59. Juan, A.*; Calvet, L.; Currie, C. (2018): “A Tutorial on Simheuristics: how simulation can efficiently support metaheuristic algorithms in stochastic optimization”. Invited Talk. Proceedings of the 2018 OR Society Simulation Workshop, pp. 47-56, ISBN: 978-0-903440-63-9. Worcestershire, UK. March 19-21. 
  60. Calvet, L.; Masip; D.; De Armas, J.; Juan, A*. (2018): “Learnheuristics: Combining Metaheuristics with Machine Learning for Optimizing Systems with Dynamic Inputs”. Proceedings of the Int. Workshop on Optimization and Learning: Challenges and Applications. Alicante, Spain. February 26-28.
  61. Latorre, J.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Jimenez, E. (2018): “Petri Net Model of a Smart Factory in the Frame of Industry 4.0”. Proceedings of the 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling. Vienna, Austria. February 21–23.
  62. Panadero, J.; Calvet, L.; Marques, J.; Juan, A. (2017): “A Simheuristic Approach for Resource Allocation in Volunteer Computing”. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1479-1490. Las Vegas, NV, USA. December 3-6.
  63. Reyes, L.; Calvet, L.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2017): “A Simheuristic Approach for Freight Transportation in Smart Sustainable Cities”. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3346-3357. Las Vegas, NV, USA. December 3-6.
  64. San Antonio, A.; Juan, A.; Fonseca, P.; Guimarans, D.; Calvet, L. (2017): “Using Simulation to Estimate Critical Paths and Survival Functions in Aircraft Turnaround Processes”. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3394-3403. Las Vegas, NV, USA. December 3-6.
  65. Panadero, J.; De Armas, J.; Currie, C.; Juan, A. (2017): “A Simheuristic to Solve the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem”. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3208-3217. Las Vegas, NV, USA. December 3-6.
  66. Estany, P.; Calvet, L.; Fonseca, P.; Juan, A. (2017): “Using Simulation to Estimate Evacuation Times in Larg-size Aircrafts: a case study with Simio”. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3335-3345. Las Vegas, NV, USA. December 3-6. 
  67. Juan, A.; Savelsbergh, M; Estrada, A.; Panadero, J. (2017): “A Biased-Randomized Heuristic for the Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Flexibility in Delivering”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Logistics. October 18-20. Southampton, UK.
  68. Gruler, A.; Klueter, A.; Rabe, M.; Juan, A. (2017): “A simulation-optimization approach for the two-echelon location routing problem arising in the creation of urban consolidation centers”. Proceedings of the 17th ASIM Dedicated Conference on Simulation. Kassel, Germany. September 20-22.
  69. Juan, A.; Calvet, L.; Serrat, C.; Hatami, S. (2017): “Using simulation and reliability concepts to set starting times in multi-task projects with random duration and a common deadline”. Proceedings of the European Medeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS’17). Barcelona, Spain. September 18-20. 
  70. Arias, P.; Guimarans, D.; Juan, A. (2017): “A Simple and Efficient Metaheuristic for the Dynamic Flight Scheduling Problem”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  71. Reyes, L.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2017): “Sustainable Urban Freight Transport Considering Multiple Capacitated Depots”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  72. Raba, D.; Gruler, A.; Riera, D.; Gelada, J.; Juan, A. (2017): “Combining real-time information with a variable neighborhood search metaheuristic for the inventory routing problem”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  73. Hatami, S.; Eskandarpour, M.; Chica, M.; Juan, A.; Ouelhadj, D. (2017): “Green Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Driving Ranges”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  74. Calvet, L.; Juan, A. (2017): “Teaching metaheuristics online: experiences at the Open University of Catalonia”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  75. Panadero, J.; Calvet, L.; Marques, J.; Juan, A. (2017): “Introducing Metaheuristics in an e-learning Course on Distributed Systems”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  76. Ferone, D.; Gruler, A.; Festa, A.; Juan, A. (2017): “Introducing biased randomization in GRASP”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  77. Alvarez, S.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; De Armas, J.; Silva, D. (2017): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for the Uncapacitated and Stochastic Hub Location Problem”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  78. Doering, J.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Kizys, R.; Fito, A. (2017): “A Simulation-enriched Variable Neighborhood Search for the Stochastic Project Portfolio Selection Problem”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  79. Latorre, J.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2017): “Simheuristics-based selection of the optimal production strategy for a manufacturing facility under the influence of corrective maintenance operations”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-3. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  80. Deininger, M.; Rabe, M.; Juan, A. (2017): “Setting the Number of Simulation Runs in a Simheuristic Algorithm: a statistical-based approach”. Proceedings of the 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference, 1-9. ISBN: 978-84-697-4275-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7. 
  81. Eliseu, M.; Gomes, I.; Juan, A. (2017): “A Biased-Randomized Heuristic for the Home Healthcare Routing Problem in Lisbon”. Proceedings of the XVIII Congresso da Associaçao Portuguesa de Investigaçao Operacional. Valença, Portugal. June 28-30. 
  82. Latorre, J.; Faulin, J.; Jimenez, E.; Juan, A. (2017): “Simulation Model of Traffic in Smart Cities for Decision-Making Support: Case Study in Tudela”. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Smart Cities, 144-153. Malaga, Spain. June 14-16.
  83. Latorre, I.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2016): Enriching Simheuristics with Petri Net Models: Potential Applications to Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2475-2486 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2014 SJR = 0.131). Washington D.C., USA. December 11-14. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4485-6.
  84. Alemany, G.; Garcia, A.; De Armas, J.; Garcia, R.; Juan, A.; Ortega, M. (2016): Combining Monte Carlo Simulation with Heuristics to Solve a Rich and Real-life Multi-depot Vehicle Routing Problem. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2466-2474 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2014 SJR = 0.131). Washington D.C., USA. December 11-14. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4485-6.
  85. Calvet, L.; Fernandez-Viagas, V.; Framinan, J.; Juan, A. (2016): Combining simulation with metaheuristics in distributed scheduling problems with stochastic processing times. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2347-2357 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2014 SJR = 0.131). Washington D.C., USA. December 11-14. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4485-6.
  86. Guimarans, D.; Dominguez, O.; Juan, A.; Martinez, E. (2016): A Multi-Start Simheuristic for the Stochastic Two-Dimensional Vehicle Routing Problem. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2326-2334 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2014 SJR = 0.131). Washington D.C., USA. December 11-14. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4485-6.
  87. Ferone, D.; Gruler, A.; Festa, P.; Juan, A. (2016): Combining Simulation with a GRASP metaheuristic for solving the Permutation Flow-Shop Problem with Stochastic Processing Times. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2205-2215 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2014 SJR = 0.131). Washington D.C., USA. December 11-14. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4485-6.
  88. Quintero, C.; Montoya, J.; Juan, A.; Muñoz, A. (2016): A simheuristic algorithm for horizontal cooperation in urban distribution. Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2193-2204 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2014 SJR = 0.131). Washington D.C., USA. December 11-14. ISBN: 978-1-5090-4485-6.
  89. Abdullahi, H.; Jones, D.; Juan, A.; Ouelhadj, D. (2016): “A Biased Randomised Clark and Wright Savings Heuristic for the Pollution Routing Problem with Time Windows”. Abstracts of the OR58 Annual Conference, pp. 139. Portsmouth, UK. September 6-8.
  90. Alumutairi, A.; Ouelhadj, D.; Jones, D.; Juan, A. (2016): “A Robust Sim-Heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands”. Abstracts of the OR58 Annual Conference, pp. 104. Portsmouth, UK. September 6-8.
  91. Perez, E.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Serrano, A. (2016): “Enlarging Competitiveness through Horizontal Cooperation: Threats, Opportunities and Trends”. Abstracts of the OR58 Annual Conference, pp. 138. Portsmouth, UK. September 6-8.
  92. Al-Behadili, M.; Ouelhadj, D.; Jones, D.; Juan A. (2016): “A Multi-objective Model with Heuristics, Evolutionary and Simulation-Optimisation methods for Robust Dynamic and Stochastic Scheduling”. Abstracts of the OR58 Annual Conference, pp. 127. Portsmouth, UK. September 6-8.
  93. Calvet, L.; Doering, J.; Kizys, R.; Juan, A.; Fito, A. (2016): “The Stochastic Portfolio Optimization Problem: a Formulation and a Hybrid Methodology”. Abstracts of the OR58 Annual Conference, pp. 127-128. Portsmouth, UK. September 6-8.  
  94. Juan, A.; Chica, M.; De Armas, J.; Kelton, D. (2016): “Simheuristics: a method of first resort for solving real-life combinatorial optimization problems”. Keynote Papers of the OR58 Annual Conference, pp. 147-156. ISBN: 978-0-903440-60-8. Portsmouth, UK. September 6-8. 
  95. Quintero, C.; Pages, A.; Juan, A.; Travesset, O.; Jozefowiez, N. (2016): “Planning freight delivery routes in mountainous regions”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics, Management and Health (MS’16TE). Teruel, Spain. July 4-5. 
  96. Doering, J.; Juan, A.; Kizys; R.; Fito, A.; Calvet, L. (2016): “Solving realistic portfolio optimization problems via metaheuristics: a survey and an example”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics, Management and Health (MS’16TE). Teruel, Spain. July 4-5.
  97. Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Kizys, R.; De Armas, J. (2016): “A SimILS-based Methodology for a Portfolio Optimization Problem with Stochastic Returns”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics, Management and Health (MS’16TE). Teruel, Spain. July 4-5.
  98. De Armas, J.; Calvet, L.; Franco, G.; Lopeman, M.; Juan, A. (2016): “Minimizing Trigger Error in Parametric Earthquake Catastrophe Bonds via Statistical Approaches”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Economics, Management and Health (MS’16TE). Teruel, Spain. July 4-5.
  99. Gruler, A.; Juan, A.; Armas, J. (2016): “Behavioral factors in City Logistics from an Operations Research perspective”. Proceedings of the 2016 Int. Conf. on Smart Cities. Malaga, Spain. June 15-17.  
  100. Calvet, L.; Mateo, M.; Juan, A.; Laroque, C. (2016): “Optimizing Starting Times in Parallel Multiple Production Lines with Stochastic Processing Times and a Shared Deadline”. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Project Management and Scheduling. Valencia, Spain. April 19-22.
  101. Carmona, A.; Juan, A.; Fonseca, P.; Montanyola, C. (2015): Dynamic Programming of Flights Based on Stochastic Demands. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. December 6-9. Huntington Beach, California. USA.
  102. Estany, P.; Juan, A.; Fonseca, P.; Montanyola, C. (2015): Simulation of the Airbus 380 Evacuation. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference. December 6-9. Huntington Beach, California. USA.
  103. Alemany, G.; Juan, A.; Garcia, R.; Garcia, A.; Ortega, M. (2015): “Multi-capacity, multi-depot, multi-product VRP with heterogeneous fleets and demand exceeding depot capacity”. Proceedings of the 2015 Int. Conf. of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM2015). November 18-20. Barcelona, Spain.
  104. Quintero, C.; Juan, A.; Caballero, J.; Montoya, J. (2015): “A new randomized procedure to solve the location-routing problem”. Proceedings of the 2015 Int. Conf. of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM2015). November 18-20. Barcelona, Spain.
  105. Gruler, A.; Juan, A.; Contreras, C.; Gattica, G. (2015): “A Biased-Randomized Heuristic for the Waste Collection Problem in Smart Cities”. Proceedings of the 2015 Int. Conf. of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM2015). November 18-20. Barcelona, Spain.
  106. De Armas, J.; Juan, A.; Marques, J. (2015): “A Biased-Randomized Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem”. Proceedings of the 2015 Int. Conf. of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM2015). November 18-20. Barcelona, Spain.
  107. Ruiz, X.; Calvet, L.; Ferrarons, J.; Juan, A. (2015): “SmartMonkey: a web browser tool for solving combinatorial optimization problems in real time”. Proceedings of the 2015 Int. Conf. of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM2015). November 18-20. Barcelona, Spain.
  108. Dominguez, O.; Guimarans, D.; Juan, A. (2015): “A Hybrid Heuristic for the 2L-VRP with Clustered Backhauls”. Proceedings of the CAEPIA’15 Conference, pp. 1-9. ISBN: 978-84-608-4099-2. November 9-12. Albacete, Spain.
  109. Pfeilsticker, L.; Juan, A.; Rabe, M. (2015): “Development of a Simheuristic Approach for Solving Realistic Inventory Routing Problems”. Proceedings of the 16 ASIM Dedicated Conference on Simulation, 59-68. Dortmund, Germany. September 23-25.
  110. Gruler, A.; Fikar, C.; Juan, A.; Hirsch, P.; Contreras, C. (2015): “A Simheuristic for the Waste Collection Problem with Stochastic Demands in Smart Cities”. Proceedings of the 16 ASIM Dedicated Conference on Simulation, 49-58. Dortmund, Germany. September 23-25.
  111. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Calvet; L. (2015): “Supporting real-time decision-making in logistics and transportation by combining simulation with heuristics”. Proceedings of the 12th Int. Multidisciplinary Modeling & Simulation Conf., 35-38. ISBN: 978-88-97999-49-2. Bergeggi, Italy. September 21-23. 
  112. Ramalhinho, H.; Juan, A.; Gomez-Ravetti, M. (2015): “SimHeuristics for Supply Chain Management”. Proceedings of the 2015 Metaheuristics International Conference. Agadir, Morocco. June 7-10.
  113. Gruler, A.; Juan, A.; Steglich, M. (2015): “A Heuristic Approach for smart Waste Collection Management”. Proceedings of the 2015 Metaheuristics International Conference. Agadir, Morocco. June 7-10.
  114. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2015): “Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls: A Multi-Start approach”. Proceedings of the Odysseus 2015. Ajaccio, France. May 31-June 6.
  115. Fikar, C.; Juan, A.; Hirsch, C. (2015): “A discrete-event randomised heuristic for stochastic home service trip sharing problems”. Proceedings of the Odysseus 2015. Ajaccio, France. May 31-June 6.
  116. Pages, A.; Juan, A.; Ramalhinho, H. (2015): “Considering Risk Issues in the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem with Stochastic Components”. Proceedings of the ICRA6/Risk 2015 Int. Conference, 587-596. ISBN: 978-84-9844-496-4. Barcelona, Spain. May 26-29.
  117. Kizys, R.; Juan, A.; Sawik, B.; Linares, A. (2015): “Solving the Portfolio Optimization Problem under realistic constraints”. Proceedings of the ICRA6/Risk 2015 Int. Conference, 457-464. ISBN: 978-84-9844-496-4. Barcelona, Spain. May 26-29.
  118. Quintero, C.; Juan, A. (2015): “Solving the Integrated Location Routing Problem considering Uncertainty and Risk factors”. Proceedings of the ICRA6/Risk 2015 Int. Conference, 655-662. ISBN: 978-84-9844-496-4. Barcelona, Spain. May 26-29.
  119. Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Schefers, N. (2015): “Solving the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem considering Uncertainty and Risk factors”. Proceedings of the ICRA6/Risk 2015 Int. Conference, 187-194. ISBN: 978-84-9844-496-4. Barcelona, Spain. May 26-29.
  120. Terradez, M.; Debon, A.; Juan, A. (2015): “Validation of Risk Scoring Models for Trade Credit in Small and Medium Enterprises”. Proceedings of the ICRA6/Risk 2015 Int. Conference, 773-780. ISBN: 978-84-9844-496-4. Barcelona, Spain. May 26-29.
  121. Gruler, A.; Fikar, C.; Juan, A.; Hirsch, P. (2015): “Un algoritmo basado en aleatorización sesgada para la recolección eficiente de residuos en ciudades inteligentes”. Proceedings of the X Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 423-428. ISBN: 978-84-697-2150-6. Mérida, 4-6 Febrero.
  122. Quintero, C.; Torres, A.; Alfonso, E.; Reyes, L.; Juan, A. (2015): “Uso combinado de métodos exactos con heurística aleatorizada para el HHRCSP”. Proceedings of the X Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 441-446. ISBN: 978-84-697-2150-6. Mérida, 4-6 Febrero.
  123. Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Serrat, C. (2015): “Técnicas estadísticas aplicadas a la calibración de parámetros de metaheurísticas”. In: Proceedings of the X Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 409-416. ISBN: 978-84-697-2150-6. Mérida, 4-6 Febrero.
  124. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2015): “Tamaño y Composición de Flotas de Vehículos en Problemas de Rutas con Retorno: Un Método Heurístico con Aleatoriedad Sesgada”. Proceedings of the X Congreso Español de Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados, 417-422. ISBN: 978-84-697-2150-6. Mérida, 4-6 Febrero, 2015.
  125. Carmona, G.; Juan, A.; Fonseca, P. (2014): Optimization of Aircraft Boarding Processes Considering Passengers’ Grouping Characteristics. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 1977 – 1988 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2013 SJR = 0.144). Savannah, USA. December 7-10.
  126. Gonzalez, S.; Barrios, B.; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2014): On the Use of Biased Randomization and Simheuristics to Solve Vehicle and Arc Routing Problems. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 1875 – 1884 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2013 SJR = 0.144). Savannah, USA. December 7-10.
  127. Cabrera, G.; Gonzalez, S.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Marques, J. (2014): Combining Biased Random Sampling with Metaheuristics for the Facility Location Problem in Distributed Computer Systems. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, 3000 – 3011 (Indexed in ISI Proceedings and Scopus, 2013 SJR = 0.144). Savannah, USA. December 7-10. 
  128. Muñoz, C.; Gonzalez, S.; Candia, A.; Juan, A. (2014): “Solving the Arc Routing Problem with a Hybrid Electromagnetic Mechanism Algorithm”. Proceedings of the XLVI Brasilian Symposium of Operational Research, pp. 1-12. Salvador Bahia. September 16-19.
  129. Cadarso, L.; Perello, N.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2014): “Simulating Boarding Strategies for Minimising Passenger Aircraft Turn-times”. Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. on Harbor, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics, Modeling and Simulation, pp. 55-61. ISBN: 978-1-63439-315-7. Bordeaux, France. September 10-12. 
  130. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Perez-Bernabeu, E.; Barrios, B. (2014): “Reducing Pollutant Emissions by using Horizontal Cooperation in Road Transportation”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 551-553. ISBN: 978-0-9561516-4-3. Cardiff, UK. April 28-30.  
  131. Munoz, A.; Montoya, J.; Juan, A.; Caceres, J. (2013): A simulation-based algorithm for the integrated location and routing problem in urban logistics. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,  pp. 2032-2041. Washington D.C., USA. December 8-11. 
  132. Grasas, A.; Juan, A.; Lourenço, H. (2013): Operations Research and Simulation in Master’s Degrees: A Case Study Regarding Different Universities in Spain. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3609-3619. Washington D.C., USA. December 8-11.
  133. Cabrera, G.; Juan, A.; Perez-Roses, H.; Marques, J.; Faulin, J. (2013): Promoting Green Internet Computing throughout Simulation-Optimization Scheduling Algorithms. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1917-1925. Washington D.C., USA. December 8-11.
  134. Cabrera, G.; Perez-Roses, H.; Juan, A.; Marques, J. (2013): “Sustainable Internet Services in Contributory Communities”. Proceedings of the CAEPIA 2013 Multiconference, pp. 260-268 (indexed in Scopus). ISBN: 978-3-642-40642-3. Madrid, Spain. September 17-20.
  135. Caceres, J.; Riera, D.; Buil, R.; Juan, A.; Herrero, R. (2013): “Multi-start approach for solving an asymmetric heterogeneous vehicle routing problem in a real urban context”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, pp. 168 – 174 (indexed in Scopus). ISBN: 978-989-8565-40-2. Barcelona, Spain. February 16-18. 
  136. Leon, R.; Juan, A. (2013): “Corporate Social Responsability in Logistics throughout Horizontal Cooperation”. Proceedings of the 2013 Management International Conference, pp. 1-8. Koper, Slovenia. November 21-23.
  137. Fonseca, P.; Juan, A.; Mas, S. (2013): “Using Simulation to compare Aircraft Boarding Strategies”. Proceedings of the 15th ASIM Dedicated Conference, pp. 237-246. Paderborn, Germany. October 9-11.
  138. Juan, A.; Rabe, M. (2013): “Combining Simulation with Heuristics to solve Stochastic Routing and Scheduling Problems”. Proceedings of the 15th ASIM Dedicated Conference, pp. 641-650. Paderborn, Germany. October 9-11.
  139. Caceres, J.; Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Padron, S. (2013): “Hybrid Approach combining Insertion Heuristic and Biased Random Sampling for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows”. Proceedings of the MAEB Conference,  pp. 533-540. ISBN: 978-84-695-8348-7. Madrid, Spain. September 17-20.
  140. Agustin, A.; Alonso, A.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2013): “Ground Holding in Multi-Airport network with Aircraft Landing Sequencing and Scheduling”. Proceedings of the MAEB Conference, pp. 523-532. ISBN: 978-84-695-8348-7. Madrid, Spain. September 17-20.
  141. Puentes, J.; Oketch, C.; Juan, A. (2013): “A simple heuristic approach for generating real-time solutions to real-life crew pairing problems”. Proceedings of the MAEB Conference, pp. 577-583. ISBN: 978-84-695-8348-7. Madrid, Spain. September 17-20.
  142. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Perez-Bernabeu, E.; Jozefowiez, N. (2013): “Horizontal Cooperation in Vehicle Routing Problems with Environmental Criteria in Road Transportation”. Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of the Euro Working Group on Transportation. Porto, Portugal. September 4-6.
  143. Gonzalez, S.; Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2013): “Solving non-smooth arc routing problems throughout biased-randomized heuristics”. Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of Euro Working Group on Transportation. Porto, Portugal. September, 4-6.
  144. Fernandez, D.; Gonzalez, S.; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2013): “A Heuristic Algorithm for the Resource Assignment Problem in Satellite Telecommunication Networks”. Proceedings of the 20th RCRA Int. Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion (RCRA 2013). Rome, Italy. June 14-15.
  145. Terradez, M.; Juan, A.; Kizys, R.; Debon, A.; Sawik, B. (2013): “Trade Credit Risk Analysis in Small and Medium Enterprises”. Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. on Risk Analysis (ICRA5), pp. 118.  ISBN: 978-972-9473-71-5. Tomar, Portugal. May 30 – June 1. 
  146. Monteiro, A.; Oliveira, T.; Juan, A. (2013): “Experimental Design as a tool on adjusting the parameters of metaheuristics”. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, pp. 68. ISBN: 978-972-9473-71-5. Tomar, Portugal. May 28 – 29.
  147. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Dominguez, O. (2013): “A Multi-Start Approach for Optimizing Routing Networks with Vehicle Loading Constraints”. Proceedings of the International Network Optimization Conference (INOC 2013), pp. 1-3. Tenerife, Spain. May 20-22. 
  148. Juan, A.; Barrios, B.; Coccola, M.; Gonzalez, S.; Faulin, J.; Bektas, T. (2012): Combining biased randomization with meta-heuristics for solving the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1-2. ISBN: 978-1-4673-4781-5. Berlin, Germany. December 9-12.
  149. Caceres, J.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Bektas, T.; Faulin, J. (2012): Combining Monte-Carlo Simulation with Heuristics for solving the Inventory Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands. Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3114-3122. ISBN: 978-1-4673-4781-5. Berlin, Germany. December 9-12.
  150. Gonzalez, S.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Elizondo, M. (2012): Sim-RandSharp: A Hybrid Algorithm for solving the Arc Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands. Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3123-3133. ISBN: 978-1-4673-4781-5. Berlin, Germany. December 9-12.
  151. Faulin, J.; De Paz, E.; Lera, F.; Juan, A. (2012): “Environmental Assessment of Transport Routes in the Pyrenees to Make Distribution Decisions in Navarre”. Proceedings of the OR54 Annual Conference, pp. 56. Edinburgh, UK. September 4-6, 2012.
  152. Juan, A.; Goentzel, J.; Bektas, T.; Faulin, J. (2012): “Combining Electric with Gas Vehicles in Routing Problems: The VRP with Multiple Driving Ranges”. Proceedings of the OR54 Annual Conference, pp. 54. Edinburgh, UK. September 4-6, 2012.
  153. Gonzalez, S.; Pérez-Bonilla, A.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Castellà, Q.; Muñoz, R. (2012): “Desarrollo y evaluación de los algoritmos SHARP y RandSHARP para el problema de Rutas por Arcos con Capacidades”. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Production Research America (ICPR-AR 2012), ISBN: 978-956-303-134-8. Santiago, Chile. August 2-3, 2012.
  154. Agustin, A.; Juan, A.; Cuenca, C.; Dominguez, O.; Faulin, J. (2012): “A Biased-Randomized Algorithm for solving the Two-Dimensional Loading VRP”. Proceedings of the Operations Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme (ORP3). Linz, Austria. July 16-20.
  155. Juan, A.; Lourenço, H.; Mateo, M.; Castella, Q.; Barrios, B. (2012): “ILS-ESP: An efficient, simple, and parameter-free algorithm for solving the permutation flow-shop problem”. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, pp. 21. ISBN: 978-972-9473-62-3. Covilha, Portugal. July 3-4.
  156. Monteiro, A.; Oliveira, T.; Juan, A.: “Aplicações de Técnicas Estatísticas e Probabilísticas no Desenvolvimento e Análise de Algoritmos de Optimização Combinatória na Área da Bioinformática”. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, pp. 21. ISBN: 978-972-9473-62-3. July 3-4, 2012. Covilha, Portugal.
  157. Juan, A.; Lourenço, H.; Mateo, M.; Grasas, A.; Agustin, A. (2012): “Combinando Randomización Sesgada y Búsqueda Local Iterativa para Resolver Problemas de Flow-Shop”. Actas del Congreso Español sobre metaheurísticas, algoritmos evolutivos y bioinspirados (MAEB2012), pp. 779-784. ISBN: 978-84-615-6931-1. February 8-10, 2012. Albacete, Spain.
  158. Caceres, J.; Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.; Grasas, A.; Roca, M.; Colome, R. (2012): “Aplicación de un Algoritmo Híbrido para la Resolución de un Problema de Enrutamiento de Vehículos Heterogéneos en una Empresa de Distribución”. Actas del Congreso Español sobre metaheurísticas, algoritmos evolutivos y bioinspirados (MAEB2012), pp. 767-773. ISBN: 978-84-615-6931-1. February 8-10, 2012. Albacete, Spain. 
  159. Xhafa, F.; Caballé, S.; Bessis, N.; Juan, A.; Barolli, L.; Miho, R. (2011): “Using massive processing and mining for modelling and decision making in online learning systems”. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT 2011), pp. 91 – 98. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0840-4. Tirana, Albania. September 7-9.
  160. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Caceres, J.; Gonzalez, S. (2011): “Combining Randomized Heuristics, Monte Carlo Simulation and Parallel Computing to Solve the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem”. Proceedings of the International conference on Optimization, Theory, Algorithms and Applications in Economics (OPT 2011), pp. 50-51. October 24-28, 2011. Barcelona, Spain.
  161. Gonzalez-Martin, S; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2011): “A Hybrid Algorithm combining Path Scanning and Biased Random Sampling for the Arc Routing Problem”. Proceedings of the 18th RCRA Workshop, pp. 46-54. Barcelona, Spain. July 17-18, 2011.
  162. Aguilar, A.; Mach, N.; Sanchez, A.; Saigi, F.; Juan, A.; Barrios, B. (2011): “BIOWAVE: Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Learning in Online Environments using Web 2.0 technologies”. Proceedings of the 3rd annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN11), pp. 6465-6474. ISBN: 978-84-615-0441-1. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-5, 2011.
  163. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Riera, D.; Caceres, J.; Grasman. S. (2011): “A Simulation-based algorithm for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands”. Proceedings of the 2011 ALIO/EURO Workshop, pp. 131-134. Porto, Portugal. May 4-6, 2011.
  164. Peruyero, E.; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2011): “A hybrid algorithm combining heuristics with Monte Carlo simulation for solving the Stochastic Flow Shop Problem”. Proceedings of the 2011 ALIO/EURO Workshop, pp. 127-130. Porto, Portugal. May 4-6, 2011.
  165. Fonseca, P.; Ramo, M.; Juan, A. (2011): “Using Specification and Description Language torepresent users’ profiles in OMNET++ simulations”. Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Multi-Conference, pp. 221-228. April 4-7, 2011. Boston, MA. USA.
  166. Adelantado, F.; Juan, A.; Skiannis, C.; Verikoukis, C. (2010): “Sensing Users Selection with Overhead Reduction for Cognitive Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”. Proceedings of the IEEE Globecom 2010 – Communications QoS, Reliability and Modelling Symposium, pp. 1-5 (indexed in Scopus). ISBN: 978-1-4244-8864-3. Miami, Florida. December 6-10.
  167. Juan, A.; Ruiz, R.; Lourenço, H.; Mateo, M.; Ionescu, D. (2010): “A Simulation-based Approach for Solving the Flowshop Problem”. Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3384-3395. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9864-2. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. December 5-8.
  168. Juan, A.; Ionescu, D.; Marques, J.; Faulin, J. (2010): “Reliability and Availability Issues in Large-Scale Distributed Systems”. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2915-2926. ISBN: 978-1-4244-9864-2. Baltimore, Maryland, USA. December 5-8.
  169. Daradoumis, T.; Juan, A.; Lera, F.; Faulin, J. (2010): “Monitoring Students’ and Groups’ Activity in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: an approach to why and how it should be done”. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Reforming Education and Quality of Teaching, pp. 271-277 (indexed in ISI Web of Science). Athens, Greece. May 19-21. 
  170. Juan, A.; Ionescu, D.; Ferrer, A.; Faulin, J. (2010): “A parameter-free approach for solving combinatorial optimization problems through biased randomization of efficient heuristics”. Proceedings of the Conference on Numerical Optimization and Applications in Engineering (NUMOPEN-2010). Barcelona, Spain. October 13-15.
  171. Juan, A.; Guix, A.; Ruiz, R.; Fonseca, P.; Adelantado, F. (2010): “Using simulation to provide alternative solutions to the flowshop sequencing problem”. Proceedings of the 14th ASIM Dedicated Conf. on Simulation in Production and Logistics, pp. 349-356. ISBN: 978-3-86644-558-1. Karlsruhe, Germany. October 6-8.
  172. Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2010): “Solving the VRP with probabilistic algorithms supported by constraint programming”. Proceedings of the OR52 Annual Conference. Royal Holloway University of London, UK. September 7-9.
  173. Guimarans, D.; Herrero, R.; Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Ramos, J. (2010): “Combining Constraint Programming, Lagrangian Relaxation and Probabilistic Algorithms to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem”. Proceedings of the 17th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion (RCRA 2010), pp. 1-18. ISSN: 1613-0073. Bologna, Italy. June 10-11.
  174. Juan, A.; Marull, J.; Ruiz, B.; Marques, J.; Vilajosana, X. (2010): “Uso de simulación multi-agente distribuida para resolver el problema de enrutamiento de vehículos”. Proceedings of the XVIII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos (JCSD 2010), pp. 129-140. ISBN: 978-84-920140-1-9. Vall de Nuria, Spain. June 9-11.
  175. Juan, A.; Ruiz, B.; Lazaro, D.; Marques, J.; Perez, A. (2010): “Sobre el Problema de la Disponibilidad de Nodos y Servicios en Sistemas Distribuidos de Gran Escala”. Proceedings of the XVIII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos (JCSD 2010), pp. 157-165. ISBN: 978-84-920140-1-9. Vall de Nuria, Spain. June 9-11.  
  176. Juan, A.; Monteforte, A.; Ferrer, A.; Serrat, C.; Faulin, J. (2009): “Applications of Discrete-event Simulation to Reliability and Availability Assessment in Civil Engineering Structures”. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, pp.: 2759-2767 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISSN: 08917736. Austin, TX, USA. December 13-16.
  177. Fonseca, P.; Juan, A.; Pla, L.; Rodriguez, S.; Faulin, J. (2009): “Simulation Education in the Internet Age: some experiences on the use of pure online and blended learning models”. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, pp.: 299-309 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISSN: 08917736. Austin, TX, USA. December 13-16.
  178. Vilajosana, X.; Krishnaswamy, R.; Juan, A.; Lazaro, D.; Marques, J. (2009): “Simulation and Modelling of a Multi-Lane Double Auction Mechanism to Allocate Computational Resources in the Grid”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2009), pp. 154-161 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISBN 978-0-7695-3858-7. Barcelona, Spain. November. 4-6.
  179. Martinez, M.; Castan, J.; Juan, A. (2009): “How do students measure service quality in e-Learning?: a case study at the Open University of Catalonia”. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2009), pp. 366-373 (indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge). ISBN: 978-1-906638-51-1. Bari, Italy. October 29-30.
  180. Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Guimarans, D.; Pagans, E. (2009): “A constraint programming based library for the vehicle routing problem”. Proceedings of the 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2009), pp. 105-110 (indexed in ISI Web of Science). ISBN: 978-84-692-5414-1. Puerto Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. September 23-25.
  181. Juan, A.; Ferrer, A.; Serrat, C.; Faulin, J.; Hester, J.; Lopez, P. (2009): “Using discrete-event simulation to design reliable and cost-efficient civil engineering structures”. Proceedings of the 21st European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2009), pp. 261-266 (indexed in ISI Web of Science). ISBN: 978-84-692-5414-1. Puerto Cruz, Tenerife, Spain. September 23-25.
  182. Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Masip, D.; Jorba, J.; Faulin, J. (2009): “A Simulation-based Methodology to assist Decision-makers in real Vehicle Routing Problems”. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2009), pp. 212-217 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISBN: 978-989-8111-84-5. Milan, Italy. May 6-10.
  183. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ruiz, R. (2009): “Using Oriented Random Search to Provide a Set of Alternative Solutions to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. Proceedings of the 11th INFORMS-Computing-Society. Charleston, SC, USA. January 11-13.
  184. Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Faulin, J.; Riera, D.; Mendez, C.; Ruiz, B. (2009): “Applying Simulation and Reliability to Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands”. Proceedings of the XI Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIIA09), pp. 201-214. ISBN: 978-88-903581-1-1. Reggio-Emilia, Italy. December 9-12.
  185. Martinez, M.; Juan, A.; Llados, J. (2009) : “Measuring Quality of Service in Online Higher Education via Importance-Performance Analysis”. Proceedings of the 10th Management International Conference (MIC09), pp. 891-902. ISBN: 978-961-266-048-2. Sousse, Tunisia, November 25-28.
  186. Adelantado, F.; Juan, A.; Verikoukis, C. (2009): “MAC layer Cooperation Analysis in Cognitive Wireless Networks”. Proceedings of the 5th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (MobiMedia 2009), pp. 190-196. ISBN: 978-963-9799-62-2. London, UK. September 7-9.
  187. Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Serrat, C.; Lopez, P.; Faulin, J.; Beliakov, G. (2009): “Discrete event simulation and fuzzy sets in structural reliability and availability in building construction”. Proceedings of the First Int. Conf. on Construction and Building Research, pp. 84-94. ISBN: 978-84-692-3580-5. D.L. M-2695-2009. Madrid, June 24-26.
  188. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ruiz, R.; Barrios, B.; Gilibert, M.; Vilajosana, X. (2009): “Using oriented random search to provide a set of alternative solutions to the capacitated vehicle routing problem”. Proceedings of the 11th INFORMS Computing Society Conference (ICS09). Charleston, South Carolina, USA. January 11-13. 
  189. Faulin, J.; Gilibert, M.; Juan, A.; Vilajosana, X.; Ruiz, R. (2008): “SR-1: A simulation-based algorithm for the capacitated vehicle routing problem”. Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, pp.: 2708-2716 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISSN: 08917736. Miami, FL, USA. December 7-10.
  190. Daradoumis, A.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Martinez, F.; Rodriguez, I.; Xhafa, F. (2008): “Expanding the Customer Relationship Management Scope to the Non-Profit Organizations: an Analysis Focused on the E-University Domain”. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference, e-Commerce 2008 (IADIS08), pp. 113-119 (indexed in Scopus). ISBN: 978-972-8924-66-9. Amsterdam, Netherlands. July 25-27.
  191. Caballe, S.; Juan, A.; Xhafa, F. (2008): “Supporting Effective Monitoring and Knowledge Building in Online Collaborative Learning Environments”. Proceedings of the First World Summit on the Knowledge Society (WSKS 2008), pp. 205-214. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISBN: 978-3-540-87780-6. Athens, Greece. September 24-28.
  192. Juan, A.; Fonseca, P.; Marques, J.; Vilajosana, X.; Faulin, J. (2008): “Modelling & Simulation of a Virtual Campus”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008). Vol. ISAS-1, pp. 187-190. INSTICC (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISBN: 978-989-8111-38-8. Barcelona, Spain. June 12-16.
  193. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Jorba, J.; Grasman, S.; Barrios, B. (2008): “SR-2: A Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2008), pp. 78-83. IEEE Computer Society (indexed in Scopus). ISBN: 978-0-7695-3326-1. Barcelona, Spain. September 10-12.
  194. Pique, J.; Jimenez, R.; Majo, A.; Juan, A.; Caballe, S. (2008): “Welcome from the HIS 2008 Industrial track chairs”. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2008), pp. 78-83. IEEE Computer Society (indexed in Scopus). ISBN: 978-0-7695-3326-1. Barcelona, Spain. September 10-12.
  195. Vilajosana, X.; Lazaro, D.; Marques, J.; Juan, A. (2008): “Towards decentralized resource allocation for collaborative peer to peer learning environments”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008), pp. 501-507. IEEE Computer Society (indexed in ISI Web of Science). ISBN: 0-7695-3109-1. Barcelona, Spain. March 4-7.
  196. Vilajosana, X.; Marques, J.; Krishnaswamy, R.; Juan, A.; Amara, N.; Navarro, L. (2008): “Bidding support for computational resources”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008), pp. 309 – 314 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). IEEE Computer Society. ISBN: 0-7695-3109-1. Barcelona, Spain. March 4-7.
  197. Juan, Α.; Daradoumis, Τ.; Faulin, J.; Xhafa, F. (2008): “Developing an Information System for Monitoring Student’s Activity in Online Collaborative Learning”. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008) , pp. 270-275. IEEE Computer Society (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISBN: 0-7695-3109-1. Barcelona, Spain. March 4-7.
  198. Huertas, M.; Juan, A.; Prat, M.; Steegmann, C. (2008): “Mathematical E-Learning in the context of the European Space of Higher Education: The Case of the Spanish University System”. Proceedings of the International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2008), pp. 7001-7007. ISBN: 978-84-612-5091-2. D.L. V-4318-2008. Madrid, Spain. November 17-18.
  199. Minguillon, J.; Huertas, A.; Juan, A.; Sancho, T.; Cavaller, V. (2008): “Using learning object repositories for teaching Statistics”. Proceedings of the First Workshoop on Methods and Cases in Computing Education (MCCE 2008), pp. 53-61. ISBN: 978-84-691-8558-2. Salamanca, Spain. October 22.
  200. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrat, C.; Sorroche, M.; Ferrer, A. (2008): “SURESIM: A Simulation-Based Algorithm to Predict Time-Dependent Structural Reliability”. Proceedings of the ASIM Conference on Simulation in Production and Logistics (ASIM 2008), pp. 555 – 564. ISBN: 978-3-8167-7798-4. Berlin, Germany. October 1-2. 
  201. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Marques, J.; Sorroche, M. (2007): “J-SAEDES: A Java-based Simulation Software to improve Reliability and Availability of Computer Systems and Networks”. Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC07), pp.: 2285-2292 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISSN: 08917736. Washington DC, USA. December 9-12.
  202. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Marques, J.; Fonseca, P. (2007): “Castelldefels Project: Modeling and Simulation of the Computer System that gives support to the Virtual Campus of the Open University of Catalonia”. Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC07), pp.: 2364 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISSN: 08917736. Washington D.C., USA. December 9-12.
  203. Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2007): “ALGACEA-2: An Entropy-Based Heuristics for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. Proceedings of the Seventh Metaheuristics International Conference, pp. 1001-1003. Montreal, Canada. June 25-29. 
  204. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrat, C.; Marques, J. (2006): “Designing Reliable Systems and Networks using Discrete-Event Simulation: a case study”. Proceedings of the International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference (I3M), pp.: 359-366 (Indexed in ISI Web of Science). ISBN: 84-690-0726-2. Barcelona, Spain. October 4-6
  205. Huertas, M.; Juan, A.; Serrat, C.; Corcoles, C.; Steegmann, C. (2006): “Math On-line Education: state of the art, experiences and challenges”. Proceedings of the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2006), pp. 578-579. ISBN: 978-3-03719-022-7. Madrid, Spain. August 22-30.
  206. Serrat, C.; Juan, A.; Ferrer, A.; Torrent, T.; Hernando, B. (2006): “Teaching Applied Statistics at UPC: integrating lectures, statistical software and e-learning”. Proceedings of the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2006), pp. 580-581. ISBN: 978-3-03719-022-7. Madrid, Spain. August 22-30.
  207. Huertas, M.; Juan, A.; Steegmann, C. (2006): “Designing Math on-line Courses for CS Students: experiences at the UOC”. Proceedings of the First WebALT Conference and Exhibition (WebALT06), pp. 7-21. ISBN: 952-99666-0-1. Eindhoven, Holland. January 5-6.
  208. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Bargueño, V.; Serrat, C. (2005): “SAEDES++: Determining Complex System Availability via Simulation”. Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC05), pp.: 1463-1472 (indexed in ISI Web of Science and Scopus). ISSN: 08917736. Orlando, FL, USA. December 4-7.
  209. Juan, A.; Goyal, A.; Faulin, J.; Bargueño, V. (2005): “Designing Reliable Systems with SREMS++”. Proceedings of the 2005 Operational Research Peripatetic Postgraduate Programme (ORP3 2005), pp. 115-125. ISBN: 84-689-3077-6. Valencia, Spain. September 6-10.
  210. Juan, A.; Faulín, J. (2003): “SimuCall: an Excel Add-In for Call Centres Simulation”. Proceedings of the 27 Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, pp. 2030-2045. ISBN: 84-8409-955-5. Lleida, Spain. April 8-11.
  211. Juan, A.; Bargueño. V. (2002): “System Reliability Analysis with Excel and VBA”. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Modeling and Simulation in Technical and Social Sciences, pp. 357-362. ISBN: 84-8458-166-7. Girona, Spain. June 25-27.
  212. Juan, A.; Faulin. J. (2002): “Decision Analysis in a Call Center using an Excel Add- In Simulator”. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Modeling and Simulation in Technical and Social Sciences, pp. 277-282. ISBN: 84-8458-166-7. Girona, Spain. June 25-27. 
  1. Almouhanna, A.; Abdullahi, H.; Juan, A.A.: “Hybrid randomised and Greedy technique as a novel approach to solve the Open Vehicle Routing Problem”. EURO 2024 Copenhagen Denmark. June 30th – July 3rd, 2024.
  2. Castillo, C.; Panadero, J.; Alvarez, E.; Juan, A.: “Towards a greener future: Innovative strategies for sustainable urban freight distribution in Barcelona”. Transport Research Arena Conference. Dublin, April 15-18, 2024.
  3. Martin, X.; Keenan, P.; Panadero, J.; McGarraghy, S.; Juan, A.A.: “Solving the Team Orienteering Arc Routing Problem: A Biased-Randomised Iterated Local Search Approach”. International Network Optimization Conference 2024. Dublin, Ireland. March 11-13, 2024.
  4. Donmez, M.; Nogal, M.; Juan, A. “Optimizing the Bridge Maintenance Schedule of Transportation Networks under Uncertainty: A Simheuristic Approach Considering Reliability”. ICASP 14 Conference. Dublin, Ireland. July 9-13, 2023. 
  5. Castillo, C.; Calvet, L., Alvarez, E.; Juan, A.; Viu, M.: “Optimising distribution routes of pharmaceutical products to supply rural areas in Catalonia”. Urban Transitions Global Summit. Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. November 8-10, 2022.
  6. Serrano, A.; Sawik, B.; Faulin, J.; Cadarso, L.; Juan, A.: “Using Agent-based Simulation to Design the Automated Parcel Lockers Network in the Last Mile Distribution in a Urban Area”. 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. October 16-19, 2022. 
  7. Castaneda, J.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Keenan, P.; McGarraghy, S.: “Biased Randomized Algorithms and Simheuristics for Large Scale and Stochastic Arc Routing Problems”. 4th Workshop on Arc Routing Problems. Valencia, Spain. May 22-24, 2022.
  8. Faulin, J.; Li, Y.; Gomez, J.; Juan, A.A.: “An Overview of Learnheuristic Algorithms: combining heuristics with machine learning in optimization problems with dynamic inputs”. 2022 Informs Computing Society Conference. Tampa, Florida. January 23-25, 2022.
  9. Corlu, C.; Panadero, J.; Onggo, B.; Juan, A. (2020): “The Impact of Limited Input Data on the Quality of Solutions to the Stochastic Optimization Problems”. IISE Annual Conference & Expo. May 30 – June 2, 2020. New Orleans. USA.
  10. Juan, A.*; Campos, N.; Nogal, M.; Caliz, C.; Corlu, C.: “Using Simulation-Based Education in Different European Universities”. 2019 e-Math Workshop. Madrid, Spain. October 24-25, 2019. 
  11. Abdullahi, H.; Reyes, L.; Ouelhadj, D.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “A Sim-BR Algorithm for the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem with Sustainability Dimensions”. Conference of the UK Operational Research Society (OR61). Canterbury, UK. September 3-5, 2019.
  12. Couto, M.; Galindo, M.; Juan, A.; Martins, L.: “Agile Optimization: Combining Biased-Randomized Heuristics with Parallel Computing”.  LI Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional. Limeira, Brazil. September 2-6, 2019.
  13. Quintero, C.; Guimarans, D.; Juan, A.: “A Simheuristic Algorithm for the Capacitated Location Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands”. 2019 Metaheuristics International Conference. Cartagena, Colombia. July 28-31, 2019.
  14. Reyes, L.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.: “A Sustainable Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Under Demand and Traveling Time Variations”. 2019 INFORMS TSL Workshop. Vienna, Austria. July 15-19, 2019.
  15. Nieto, A.; Juan, A.: “A Biased Randomized Algorithm applied to Asset Liability Management”. Invited Session at the 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019). Dublin, Ireland. June 23-26.
  16. Bayliss, C.; Juan, A.; McDermott, J.: “A learnheuristic approach for the mobile transceiver facility location problem”. Invited Session at the 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019). Dublin, Ireland. June 23-26.
  17. Estrada, A.; Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Baghirov, A.; Panadero, J.: “Using Biased-Randomization for solving a Non-Smooth Facility Location Problem with Soft Constraints”. Invited Session at the 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019). Dublin, Ireland. June 23-26.
  18. Almouhanna, A.; Abdullahi, H.; Ouelhadj, D.; Juan, A.: “A Two-Stage Biased Randomised Heuristic for the Green Location Routing Problem with Sustainability Dimensions”. 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2019). Dublin, Ireland. June 23-26.
  19. Eskandarpour, M.; Ouelhadj, D.; Juan, A.: “Enhanced Multi-Directional Local Search for the Bi-Objective Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Driving Ranges”. Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog). Seville, Spain. June 3-5, 2019.
  20. Martins, L.; Juan, A.; Raba, D.; Tordecilla, R.; Panadero, J.; Bayliss, C.: “Simheuristics for Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems: a review and open challenges”. Workshop of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization (VeRoLog). Seville, Spain. June 3-5, 2019.
  21. Juan, A.*; Campos, N.; Nogal, M.; Caliz, C.: “Teaching Computer Simulation and Optimization Online to Students with Different Backgrounds”. 10th International Workshop in Mathematics e-Learning. Lisbon, Portugal. October 15-16, 2018.
  22. Quintero, C.; Gruler, A.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.: “Horizontal Cooperation in Integrated Routing and Facility-Location Decisions”. 2018 CYTED Workshop. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 20-21, 2018.
  23. Reyes, L.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “Urban Freight Distribution and Sustainability”. 2018 CYTED Workshop. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. September 20-21, 2018.
  24. Almouhanna, A.; Quintero, C.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Banafsheh, K.; Ouelhadj, D. “A Two-Stage Biased Randomised Heuristic for the Green Location Routing Problem with Constrained Distances”. OR60. Lancaster, UK. September 11-13, 2018. 
  25. Martins, L.; Hatami, S.; Gonzalez-Neira, E.; Juan, A.; Montoya-Torres, J.: “A Biased-Randomized Iterative Variable Neighborhood Descent to solve the Integrated Hybrid Flowshop and Vehicle Routing Problem”. 29th European Conference On Operational Research.  Valencia, Spain. July 8-11, 2018.
  26. Hatami, S.; Marmol, M.; Martins, L.; Juan, A.*; Fernandez, V.: “Heuristics to Maximize Costumer Attractiveness in Retail Stores”. 29th European Conference On Operational Research.  Valencia, Spain. July 8-11, 2018.
  27. Almouhanna, A.; Banafsheh, K.; Ouelhadj, D.; Juan, A.: “A heuristic approach based on biased randomization for location routing problem”. 29th European Conference On Operational Research.  Valencia, Spain. July 8-11, 2018.
  28. Faulin, J.; Reyes, L.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.: “Sustainability Dimensions as Optimization Criteria: A Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. Joint EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization. Bologna, Italy. June 25-27, 2018.
  29. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Serrano, A.; Reyes, L.; Latorre, I.: “Biased Randomization Procedures in Metaheuristics to Solve Stochastic Combinatorial Problems in Transportation and Logistics”. International Conference on Operations Research. Berlin, Germany. September 6-8, 2017. 
  30. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Calvet, L.; Latorre, J.; Reyes, L.: “Simheuristics and Learnheuristics: extending metaheuristics in stochastic and dynamic scenarios”. International Conference on Operations Research. Berlin, Germany. September 6-8, 2017. 
  31. Almouhanna, A.; Khosravi, B.; Ouelhadj, D.; Juan, A.: “A Biased-Randomised Heuristic for the Location Routing Problem”. VeRoLog 2017. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 10-12, 2017.
  32. Abdullahi, H.; Ouelhadj, D.; Jones, D.; Juan, A.: “The Pollution Routing Problem: A Biased Randomised Iterated Greedy Approach”. VeRoLog 2017. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 10-12, 2017. 
  33. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrano, A.: “An iterative biased-randomized heuristic for the fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with backhauls”. 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  34. De Armas, J.; Juan, A.; Marques, J.; Pedroso, J.: “Solving the Deterministic and Stochastic Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem”. 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  35. Calvet, L.; De Armas, J.; Masip, D.; Juan, A.: “Learnheuristics: hybridizing metaheuristics with machine learning for optimization with dynamic inputs”. 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017. 
  36. Gruler, A.; Quintero, C.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.: “Waste Collection under Uncertainty: A Simheuristic based on Variable Neighborhood Search”. 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017.
  37. Ferrer, A.; De Armas, J.; Juan, A.; Lalla, E.: “A Biased-randomized algorithm for non-smooth arc routing problems with realistic soft constraints”. 2017 Metaheuristics International Conference. Barcelona, Spain. July 4-7, 2017.  
  38. Mazza, D.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.: “Urban Mobile Cloud Computing: a complex adaptive system using self-organizing behaviors for optimizing communication and computing resources in a smart city”. 11th Women in Machine Learning Workshop (WiML 2016). December 5, 2016. Barcelona, Spain.
  39. Agustin, A.; Pardo, E.; Juan, A.: “A VNS algorithm for solving the Crew Pairing Problem in airlines”. 4th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search. Málaga, Spain. October 3-5, 2016.
  40. De Armas, J.; Gruler, A.; Panadero, J.; Moreno, J.; Juan, A.: “Extending the Variable Neighborhood Search Metaheuristic into a Simheuristic for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization”. 4th International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search. Málaga, Spain. October 3-5, 2016.
  41. Doering, J.; Calvet, L.; Kizys, R.; Fito, A.; Juan, A.: “Rich Portfolio Optimization with Stocks and Individual Commodity Futures Contracts”. Portsmouth-Fordham Conference on Banking & Finance. Portsmouth, UK. September 24-25.
  42. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrano, A.: “Solving the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls: A successive approximation approach”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. November 1-4, 2015.
  43. Ramalhinho, H.; Juan, A.; Ravetti, M. “Simheuristics for Supply Chain Management”. XVII Congresso da APDIO. Portalegre, Portugal. September 7-9, 2015.
  44. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrano, A.: “Using multi-start biased randomization of heuristics to solve the vehicle routing problem with clustered backhauls”. 7th International Conference on Applied Operational Research – ICAOR 2015. Vienna, Austria. July 15-17, 2015.
  45. Quintero, C.; Juan, A.; Montoya, J.; Faulin, J.: “Simheurísticas: una herramienta para resolver problemas de optimización combinatoria”. ASOCIO 2015. Chia, Colombia. July 15-16, 2015.
  46. Grasas, A.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Ramalhinho, H.: “Biased Randomization of Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  47. Abdullahi, H.; Ouelhadj, D.; Jones, D.; Juan, A.: “A Biased Randomised Clark and Wright Savings Heuristic for the Time dependent Pollution Routing Problem”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  48. Belloso, J.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Serrano, A.: “Solving the Green Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls at Eroski: A revisited Case Study”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  49. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrano, A.: “Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls: A random successive approximations method”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  50. Almutairi, A.; Ouelhadj, D.; Jones, D.; Khosravi, B.; Juan, A.: “A Simheuristic algorithm for Robust Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  51. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Calvet, L.; Pages, A.; Quintero, C.: “Applications of Simheuristics in Transportation and Logistics”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  52. Calvet, L.; Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Gomes, I.: “Market Segmentation Issues in the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem”. EURO 2015. Glasgow, UK. July 12-15, 2015.
  53. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrano, A. “Solving the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls using a Multi-Round Biased Randomized Heuristic Method”. VeRoLog 2015. Vienna, Austria. June 8-10, 2015.
  54. Faulin, J.; Belloso, J.; Garcia del Valle, A.; Juan, A.; Serrano, A.: “A Multi-start Biased Method for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls and Environmental Impact”. 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting. San Francisco, USA. November 9-12, 2014.
  55. Almutairi, A.; Ouelhadj, D.; Jones, D.; Juan, A.; Martin, S.: “A Simheuristic Algorithm for Robust Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands”. OR56 Annual Conference. September 9-11, 2014. Egham, Surrey, UK.
  56. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “Simheuristics and Biased Randomization of Heuristics to solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Logistics and Transportation”. 6th International Conf. on Applied Operational Research. Vancouver, BC Canada. July 29-31, 2014.
  57. Martin, S.; Ouelhadj, D.; Juan, A.: “Dynamic Vehicle Routing for maintenance vehicles in offshore wind farms”. IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  58. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “Teaching Logistics and Routing Online: Experiences and Challenges using Virtual Campuses”. IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  59. Ferrer, A.; Guimarans, D.; Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.: “Solving Non-Smooth Flow-Shop Problems with Failure-Risk Penalties using a Biased-Randomized Local Search”.  IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  60. Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.; Grasas, A.: “SimILS: Solving stochastic combinatorial optimization problems by combining Iterated Local Search with Simulation”. IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  61. Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Faulin, J.; Rabe, M.; Bektas, S.: “Simheuristics: hybridizing simulation with metaheuristics for decision-making under uncertainty”. IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  62. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. Perez-Bernabeu, E.: “A biased-randomized algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls”. IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  63. Cabrera, G.; Gonzalez, S.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.: “A multi-start based algorithm with iterated local search for the uncapacitated facility location problem”. IFORS 2014. July 13-18. Barcelona, Spain.
  64. Faulin, J.; Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Perez-Bernabeu: “A Multi-Start Biased algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls”. 2nd VeRoLog conference. Oslo, Norway. June 22-25, 2014.
  65. Kizys, R.; Juan, A.: “ARPO: An ILS-based Algorithm for the Realistic Portfolio Optimization”. Financial Engineering and Banking Society Conference. Surrey, UK. June 21-23, 2014.
  66. Monteiro, A.; Oliveira, T.; Juan, A.: “O planeamento de experiencias no aperfeiçonamento de metaheuristicas”. 6th Int. Workshop on Mathematical E-Learning. Barcelona, Spain. April 24-25, 2014.
  67. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.: “Optimizing Routing Problems with Backhauls using a Biased-randomized Algorithm”. 2013 CYTED-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. November 21-22, 2013. 
  68. Ferrer, A.; Guimarans, D.; Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.: “Combining ILS and Biased-randomization for solving Non-smooth Flow-shop problems”. 2013 CYTED-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. November 21-22, 2013. 
  69. Grasas, A.; Ramalhinho, H.; Juan, A.: “Operations Research and Simulation in Master’s Degrees”. 2013 CYTED-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. November 21-22, 2013. 
  70. Faulin, J.; Garcia del Valle, A.; Grasman, S.; Juan, A. “Horizontal Cooperation in Vehicle Routing Problems with Environmental Criteria”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, USA. October 6-9, 2013.
  71. Cabrera, G.; Juan, A.; Marques, J.: “Internet service allocation in contributory environments”. 2013 ICSO-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 10-12, 2013.
  72. Gonzalez-Martin, S.; Juan, A.; Cabrera, G.; Riera, D.: “Applying MIRHA to the Connected Facility Location Problem”. 2013 ICSO-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 10-12, 2013.
  73. Fernandez, D.; Gonzalez-Martin, S.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.: “A Heuristic Algorithm for the Resource Assignment Problem in Satellite Telecommunication Networks”. 2013 ICSO-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 10-12, 2013.
  74. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Dominguez, O.: “Optimizing Routing Problems with Vehicle Loading Constraints Using a Biased-Randomized Algorithm”. 2013 ICSO-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 10-12, 2013.
  75. Perez-Bernabeu, E.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Barrios, B.: “Horizontal Cooperation in Road Transportation: A Multi-Depot Case Illustrating Savings in Distances and Pollutant Emissions”. 2013 ICSO-HAROSA Int. Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 10-12, 2013.
  76. Caceres, J.; Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Lourenço, H.; Grasas, A.; Buil, R.: “Rich and Real-life Vehicle Routing Problems: a case study in Spain”. 2nd VeRoLog conference. Southampton, UK. July 7-10, 2013.
  77. Juan, A.; Faulin, F.; Perez-Bernabeu, H.: “Horizontal Cooperation in Multi-Vehicle Routing Problems with Environmental Criteria”. 2nd VeRoLog conference. Southampton, UK. July 7–10, 2013.
  78. Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Gonzalez, S.; Lourenço, H.: “Randomized algorithms for solving routing problems with non-smooth objective functions”. 26th European Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2013). Rome, Italy. July 1-4, 2013.
  79. Juan, A.; Caceres, J.; Grasman, S.; Bektas, T. “Solving Stochastic Inventory Routing Problems with Nonsmooth Objective Functions”. 26th European Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2013). Rome, Italy. July 1-4, 2013. 
  80. Juan, A.; Faulín, J. ; Belloso, J.; Pérez Bernabeu; E.: “Horizontal Cooperation with Environmental Criteria in Vehicle Routing Problems”. Mathematics of Operations and Logistics Conference. Zaragoza, Spain. June 26-28, 2013. 
  81. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Perez-Bernabeu, E.; Jozefowiez, N.: “Green Horizontal Cooperation with Nonsmooth Objective Functions in Multicriteria Decision Making”. 26th European Conf. on Operational Research (EURO 2013). Rome, Italy. July 1-4, 2013. 
  82. Juan, A.; Grasas, A.; Lourenço, H.: “Developing analytical skills throughout state-of-the-art simulation software”. E-MATH 2013. Madrid, Spain. April 4-5, 2013. 
  83. Monteiro, A.; Juan, A.; Oliveira, T.: “O planeamiento de experiencias no ajuste dos parametros de metaheuristicas”. E-MATH 2013. Madrid, Spain. April 4-5, 2013.
  84. Caceres, J.; Juan, A.; Buil, R.; Riera, D.: “Applying a Hybrid Approach to an Asymmetric Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. 2012 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop, Valparaiso, Chile, November 12-13, 2012.
  85. Riera, D.; Guimarans, D.; Arias, P.; Caceres, J.; Juan, A.: “Solving the Real Rich VRP”. 2012 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop, Valparaiso, Chile, November 12-13, 2012.
  86. Cabrera, G.; Juan, A.; Proskurnia, J.; Lazaro, D.; Marques, J.: “Maximizing availability by efficiently deploying Internet services over non-dedicated resources”. 2012 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop, Valparaiso, Chile, November 12-13, 2012.
  87. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Agustin, A.; Grasman, S.: “A Multi-round Approach using SimuRoute for Solving the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. October 14-17, 2012.
  88. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Agustin, A.; Caceres, J.: “A Multi-Round Simulation Method which Analyzes Fleet Designs to Solve the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (CO2012). University of Oxford, UK. September 17-19, 2012.
  89. Pessoa, L.; Ramalhinho, H.; Grasas, A.; Juan, A.; Resende, M. “Solving a real application of the Time-Constraint Capacitated Open Vehicle Routing Problem”. 25th EURO Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania. July 8 – 11, 2012.
  90. Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Lourenço, H.: “An Iterative Local Search Algorithm for solving Non-Smooth Flow Shop Problems”. 25th EURO Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania. July 8 – 11, 2012.
  91. Caceres, J.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Lourenço, H.: “A Randomized Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fixed Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem”. 25th EURO Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania. July 8 – 11, 2012.
  92. Juan, A.; Ferrer, A.; Faulin, J.; Lourenço, H.: “Solving non-smooth problems through biased randomization of heuristics”. 25th EURO Conference. July 8 – 11, 2012. Vilnius, Lithuania. 25th EURO Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania. July 8 – 11, 2012.
  93. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Agustin, A.; Llorente, M.: “Successive Approximations of the SimuRoute Procedure to solve the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. 25th EURO Conference. Vilnius, Lithuania. July 8 – 11, 2012.
  94. Oliveira, T.; Juan, A.; Costa, A.; Correia, H.; Noronha, C.; Barroso, P.: “Pràticas de colaboração entre a UAb, a UOC e a UNED”. 4th Workshop on Mathematical E-Learning. Universidade Aberta. July 6th, 2012. Lisbon, Portugal.
  95. Proskurnia, I.; Juan, A.; Cabrera, G.; Marques, J.: “Highly Available Large-Scale Decentralized Storage Systems over Volunteer Computing”. 2012 Google Workshop. Vienna, Austria. June 27-29, 2012.
  96. Lourenço, H.; Caceres, J.; Grasas, A.; Juan, A.; Roca, M.: “A Randomized Hybrid Algorithm based on Savings and Vehicle Assignment Policies for the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. VeRoLog Conference 2012. June 18-20, 2012. Bologna, Italy.
  97. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Agustin, A.; Llorente, M.: “A Multi-Round Approach for solving the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. VeRoLog Conference 2012. June 18-20, 2012. Bologna, Italy.
  98. Proskurnia, J.; Juan, A.; Cabrera, G.; Marques, J.: “Highly Available Large-Scale Decentralized Storage Systems over Volunteer Computing”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  99. Agustin, A.; Dominguez, O.; Juan, A.; Cuenca, C.; Faulin, J.: “Applying a Multi-Start Algorithm to solve the CVRP with 2D loading constraints”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  100. Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Lourenço, H.: “Combining Iterated Local Search and Biased Randomization for solving non-smooth flow-shop problems”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  101. Juan, A.; Gonzalez, S.; Elizondo, M.; Riera, D.: “A Hybrid Algorithm for Solving the Arc Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  102. Caceres-Cruz, J.; Juan, A.; Grasman. S.; Bektas, T.: “A hybrid approach for solving the inventory routing problem with stochastic demands”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  103. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Agustin, A.: “Description of a Multi-Stage Procedure to Solve the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  104. Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.; Caceres-Cruz, J.; Grasas, A.; Roca, M.: “A Randomized Savings Metaheuristic for the Heterogeneous Fleet Multitrip VRP”. 2012 IN3-HAROSA Int. Workshop. June 13-15, 2012. Barcelona, Spain.
  105. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; del Valle, A.: “A Review of Simulation Techniques to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem”. INFORMS Annual Meeting, November 13-16, 2011. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
  106. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.A.; Grasman, S.E.: “A Description for the Use of Monte Carlo Simulation in Solving the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem”. In Proceedings of the IX Congreso Chileno de Investigación Operativa (OPTIMA 2011). Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. October 26-29, 2011.
  107. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “On the use of Monte Carlo Simulation Techniques to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem”. Plenary Talk at the XIX International Symposium on Application of Systems Theory. September 25-27, 2011. Zakopane, Poland.
  108. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Lera, F.; Grasman, S.: “Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Environmental Criteria Based on Real Estimations in Road Transportation: A Case Study”. 14th EWGT Meeting & 26th Mini-EURO Conference. September 6-9, 2011. Poznan, Poland.
  109. Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ferrer, A.; Ionescu, D.: “Multi-start biased randomization heuristics for solving non-smooth routing problems”. Optimization 2011. July 24-27, 2011. Lisbon, Portugal.
  110. Juan, A.; Castella, Q.; Barrios, B.; Lourenço, H.; Mateo, M.: “A simple and parameter-free algorithm for solving the discrete and stochastic version of the permutation flow-shop problem”. 2011 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 18-19, 2011.
  111. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Llorente, M.: “A simulation-based Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. 2011 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 18-19, 2011.
  112. Lourenço, H.; Juan, A.; Ferrer, A.; Faulin, J.; Barrios, B.: “Multi-start biased randomization of heuristics with adaptive local search for solving non-smooth routing problems”. 2011 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 18-19, 2011.
  113. Juan, A.; Ionescu, D.; Cabrera, G.; Marques, J.; Aragones, C.; Sagar, K.: “Availability issues in large-scale distributed computer systems”. 2011 CYTED-HAROSA Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. July 18-19, 2011.
  114. Faulin, J.; Juan.; Jorba, J.; Grasman, S.: “Solving the VRP with Stochastic Demands using Distributed and Parallel Computing”. IFORS 2011. Melbourne, Australia. July 10-15, 2011.
  115. Faulin, J.; Juan.; Pla, L.: “Teaching Operations Research Online: Experiences and Challenges using Virtual Campuses”. IFORS 2011. Melbourne, Australia. July 10-15, 2011.
  116. Aguilar, A.; Saigi, F.; Mach, N.; Sánchez, A.; Juan, A.: “BIOWAVE: un proyecto de colaboración interdisciplinar entre estudios sanitarios y biotecnológicos”. 3rd International Conference on Mathematical E-Learning (E-MATH 2011). Barcelona, Spain. June 21-24, 2011.
  117. Faulin, J.; de Paz, E.; Lera, F.; Juan, A.: “Multicriteria Procedures for Environmental Assessment of Transport Routes Crossing the Pyrenees in Navarre”. The 21st International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Jyvaskyla, Finland. June 13-17, 2011.
  118. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.: “The Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem Solved using Simulation Techniques: A Review”. 12e congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Decision (ROADEF 2011). Saint-Étienne, France. March 2-4, 2011.
  119. Faulin, J.; Lera, F.; Juan, A.: “ALGACEA Algorithms for the CVRP using Environmental Criteria”. 2010 IN3-HAROSA Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. November 22-23, 2010.
  120. Lourenço, H.; Ribeiro, R.; Juan, A.: “An ILS to solve a Multiobjective Integrated Distribution Problem”. 2010 IN3-HAROSA Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. November 22-23, 2010.
  121. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S.; Del Valle, A.: “SimuRial: A Reliability-Based Algorithm to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands using Monte Carlo Simulation”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Austin, Texas, USA. November 7-10, 2010.
  122. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Grasman, S.; Solar, R.: “Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands using the SimuRial Procedure”. 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010). Lisbon, Portugal. July 11-14, 2010.
  123. Simosa, J.; Juan, A.; Oliveira, T.; Martinez, M.; Oliveira, A.; Faulin, J.; Trenholm, S.: “Some experiences on the design and implementation of Operations Research courses in Web-based environments”. 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010). Lisbon, Portugal. July 11-14, 2010.
  124. Lourenço, H; Ribeiro, R.; Juan, A.: “An Iterated Local Search to solve a Multiobjective Integrated Distribution Problem”. 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010). Lisbon, Portugal. July 11-14, 2010.
  125. Ionescu, D.; Juan, A.; Ruiz, B.; Lourenço, H.; Faulin, J.; Mendez, C.: “On the use of Probabilistic Algorithms in Nonsmooth Optimization”. 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010). Lisbon, Portugal. July 11-14, 2010.
  126. Solar, R.; Faulin, J.; Candia, A.; Juan, A.: “Application of a Hybrid Metaheuristics for the Classic Problem of p-Medians”. ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting. Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 6-9, 2010.
  127. Mendez, C.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S.; Riera, D.: “A novel two-stage MILP-based approach to Vehicle Routing Problems with Uncertain Demands”. ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting. Buenos Aires, Argentina. June 6-9, 2010.
  128. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ruiz, B.; Riera, D.: “Heuristic Methods based on Reliability Probabilistic Models to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problems with Stochastic Demands”. European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization (ECCOXXIII – CO2010). Malaga, Spain. May 27-29, 2010.
  129. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Grassman, S.; Mendez, C.: “SimuRial Algorithm: Using Reliability Concepts to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands”. Optimization Days, Montreal, May 10-12, 2010.
  130. Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Faulin, J.; Riera, D.; Mendez, C.; Ruiz, B.: “On the use of Simulation Techniques and Reliability Theory to solve Stochastic Routing Problems”. Invited seminar at the II Workshop UAberta-UNED-UOC on Mathematics at Distance. Madrid, Spain. April 15-16, 2010.
  131. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.: “A Simulation-based methodology for VRPs with Stochastic Demands”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, USA. October 11-14, 2009.
  132. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Marull, J.; Lera, F.; Hester, J.; Barrios, B.: “SR-GCWS-CS: Using Simulation to Perform Landscape Analysis for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. OR51 Annual Conference. University of Warwick, September 8-10, 2009.
  133. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Guix, A.; Mateo, M.; Hester, J.; Ruiz, R.: “SS-NEH: Combining Simulation with the NEH heuristic for solving Flow-shop Scheduling Problems”. OR51 Annual Conference. University of Warwick, September 8-10, 2009.
  134. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S.: “SimuRoute: Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Splitting Techniques to Produce a Solutions Set to the CVRP”. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2009). Bonn, July 5 – 8, 2009.
  135. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Pla, L.: “Simulation Education in the Internet Age: Some Experiences in three Spanish Universities”. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2009). Bonn, Germany. July 5 – 8, 2009.
  136. Juan, A.; Huertas, M.; Lapedriza, A.: “Mathematical E-Learning in Spain”. Invited seminar at the I Workshop UAberta-UNED-UOC on Mathematics at Distance. Lisboa, Portugal. June 24-26, 2009.
  137. Arcelus, F.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S.; Barrios, B.: “SR-GCWS-CS: A Simulation-based Methodology to assist Decision-makers in real Vehicle Routing Problems”. CORS/INFORMS 2009 Joint International Meeting. Toronto, CA. June 14-17, 2009.
  138. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ruiz, R.; Barrios, B.; Vilajosana, X.: “SimuRoute: Using Simulation to Provide Alternative Solutions to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. Fourth International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS 2009). Cesme, Izmir, Turkey. May 26-29, 2009.
  139. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Lera, F.; Pintor, J.: “Green Forum at Eroski: Optimizing Logistics Activities with Environmental Criteria”. Informs Conf. on Operations Research Practice (INFORMS top-quality conference). Phoenix, Arizona. April 26-28, 2009.
  140. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Lera, F.; Pintor, J.; Del Valle, A.: “SR0: A Simulation-Based Algorithm for the CVRP”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA. October 12-15, 2008.
  141. Grasman, S.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Lera, F.: “Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Infrastructure Development”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA. October 12-15, 2008.
  142. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Ruiz, R.; Gilibert, M.: “SimuRoute: A Simulation-Based Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies – IFORS 2008. Sandton, South Africa. July 14-18, 2008.
  143. Pla, L.; Rodriguez, S.; Fonseca, P.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.: “Learning Operations Research Online: Benefits, Challenges and Experiences”. 18th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies – IFORS 2008. Sandton, South Africa. July 14-18, 2008.
  144. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “Optimising Routes in Road Transportation using ALGACEA procedures with Environmental Criteria”. International Workshop on Operational Research (IWOR). Madrid, Spain. June 5th-7th, 2008.
  145. Daradoumis, A.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Martínez, F.; Rodriguez, I.; Xhafa, F.: “Broadening the CRM domain of application to higher educational e-learning environments”. 37th EMAC 2008 Conference. European Marketing Academy. Brighton, UK. May 27th, 2008.
  146. Steegmann, C.; Juan, A.; Huertas, M.A.; Perez, A.; Sancho, T.; Corcoles, C.: “E-Math Project: An Open and e-Collaborative Mathematical Repository developed at the Open University of Catalonia”. 3rd Joining Educational Mathematics Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. January 31 – February 2, 2008.
  147. Sancho, T.; Huertas, M.A.; Corcoles, C.; Juan, A.; Perez, A.: “Tutorial action prior to the enrollment of mathematical subjects in Technical Engineering”. 3rd Joining Educational Mathematics Workshop. Barcelona, Spain. January 31 – February 2, 2008.
  148. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Marques, J.; Arquimbau, M.: “Castelldefels Project: Simulating the Computer System that gives support to the Virtual Campus of the Open University of Catalonia”. 22nd European Conf on Operations Research – EURO 2007. Prague, Czech Republic. July 8-11, 2007.
  149. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Marques, J.; Martinez, N.: “Using discrete-event simulation to develop academic and research projects in computer networking”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. November 5-8, 2006.
  150. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Marques, J.; Roure, A.: “Simulation of the Computer System of an on-line University Intranet”. 21th European Conf on Operations Research – EURO 2006. Reykjavik, Iceland. July 2-5, 2006.
  151. Faulin, J.; Juan, A., Bargueño, V.: “Designing Reliable Systems via Simulation with SREMS”. International Federation of Operatinal Research Societies – IFORS 2005. Honolulu, Hawai. July 11-15, 2005.
  152. Goyal, A.; Juan, A., Faulin, J.: “Estimating Time-Dependent Complex System Reliability using Computer Simulation”. Second International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Information Technology – ICQRIT 2003. New Delhi, India. December 18-20, 2003.
  153. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.: “An Excel Add-In for estimating complex systems reliability via Monte Carlo simulation”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. October 19-22, 2003.
  154. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.: “Simulating Queues in Call Centers using Excel Add-Ins”. XXIII Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models. Pamplona, Spain. May 12-17, 2003.
  155. Juan, A.; Faulín, J.: “Decisions Analysis in a Call Center using an Excel Add-In Simulator”. INFORMS Annual Meeting. San Jose, California, USA. November, 17-20, 2002.
  1. Juan, A.: “Designing Intelligent Algorithms in Transportation”. SEIO Working Group on Transport. Sevilla, Spain. November 29, 2024.
  2. Calvet, L.; Castillo, C.; Alvarez, E.; Viu, M.; Juan, A.A. “Health Care Logistics in Depopulated Mountainous Areas: the case of Lleida’s Pyrenees”. XV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT2023), La Laguna, Tenerife. June 14-16. 
  3. Castaneda, J.; Herrera, E.; Londono, J.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A.: “An Optimization Tool to Generate Savings in the Warehouse Replenishment Process”. XV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT2023), La Laguna, Tenerife. June 14-16. 
  4. Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A.; Li, Y.; Peyman, M.; Xhafa, F.: “Using Agile Optimization and IoT analytics for solving the Dynamic Team Orienteering Problem with Mandatory Visits in real-time”. 2022 Congreso de la SEIO. Granada, Spain. June 7-10, 2022. 
  5. Castaneda, J.; Ammouriova, M.; Ghorbani, E.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A.: “Optimización de la logística del transporte en condiciones de incertidumbre con simheurísticas”. 2022 Congreso de la SEIO. Granada, Spain. June 7-10, 2022. 
  6. Juan, A.A.; Panadero, J.; Perez, E.; Faulin, J.; Carracedo, P.: “Routing Electric Vehicles with Limited Driving Ranges: from agile optimization to simheuristics”. 2022 Congreso de la SEIO. Granada, Spain. June 7-10, 2022.
  7. Castaneda, J.; Juan, A.; Martins, L.; Cardona, J.; Fneich, A. (2021): “Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Measuring and Promoting Sustainable Transportation and Green Logistics”. In Proceedings of the XIV Conference on Transport Engineering. Burgos, July 6-8th, 2021.
  8. Calvet, L.; Alvarez, E.; Viu, M.; Castillo, C.; Copado, P.; Juan, A. (2021): “Promoting Sustainable and Intelligent Freight TransportationSystems in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area”. In Proceedings of the XIV Conference on Transport Engineering. Burgos, July 6-8th, 2021.
  9. Serrano, A.; Gougeon, T.; Cadarso, L.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2021): “The Urban Freight Distribution in Medium Size Cities: Descriptive Data from Pamplona (Spain) and Angers (France)”. In Proceedings of the XIV Conference on Transport Engineering. Burgos, July 6-8th, 2021.
  10. Cardona, J.; Castañeda, J.; Martins, L.; Franco, G.; Juan, A. (2021): “Using Data Analytics and Machine Learning to Design Business Interruption Insurance Products for Rail Freight Operators”. In Proceedings of the XIV Conference on Transport Engineering. Burgos, July 6-8th, 2021.
  11. Tordecilla, R.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Martins, L. (2021): “Solving an Animal-food Distribution Problem Using a Biased-Randomized Algorithm”. In Proceedings of the XIV Conference on Transport Engineering. Burgos, July 6-8th, 2021.
  12. Juan, A.: “Evolución de la Investigación en las Universidades Online: impulsando la generación de conocimiento y talento en un entorno digital”. Invited Talk. Universidad Internacional de Valencia. June 22nd, 2021.
  13. Juan, A. “Gestión de Proyectos de Investigación y Transferencia”. Invited talk at Universitat de Barcelona (IL3-UB). April 26th, 2021.
  14. Lopez, D.; de la Torre, R.; Calvet, L.; Hatami, S.; Juan, A.: “Contribution of Data Analytics in Sports Talent Acquisition”. Workshop on Sports and Health Analytics Research. Barcelona, Spain. October 6-7, 2020.
  15. Juan, A.*; Panadero, J.; Bayliss, C.; Martins, L.; Freixes, A.; Raba, D.: “Agile Optimization in Transportation and Logistics”. In Proceedings of the XXXVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO2019), pp. 142. ISBN: 978-84-09-13580-6. Alcoy, Spain. September 3-6, 2019.
  16. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Reyes, L.; Panadero, J.; Ospina, C.; Mozos, J.: “A Simheuristic Algorithm for the Team Orienteering Problem”. XVIII Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Granada, Spain. October 23-26.
  17. Pages, A.; Ramalhinho, H.; Juan, A.; Calvet, L.: “Designing e-commerce supply chains: a stochastic facility–location approach”. XVIII Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Granada, Spain. October 23-26.
  18. Estrada, A.; Juan, A.*; Panadero, J.; Serrat, C.; Freixes, A.: “Current Trends in Simheuristics: from smart transportation to agent-based simheuristics”. XVIII Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Granada, Spain. October 23-26.
  19. Juan, A.: “Algoritmos para un mundo más inteligente y sostenible: aplicaciones en transporte, logística, finanzas e-commerce y telecomunicaciones”. Invited Talk at ULab, Alicante, Spain. September 24, 2018.
  20. Juan, A*. “Biased Randomized Algorithms with Applications”. Invited Talk at Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics. Barcelona, Spain. February 23, 2018. 
  21. Juan, A. “Simheuristics: extending metaheuristics to cope with real-life uncertainty”. Invited Talk at Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics. Barcelona, Spain. February 22, 2018. 
  22. Juan, A.: “Intelligent Algorithms and their Applications”. Invited Talk at Euncet Business School. Terrassa, Spain. January 31, 2018.
  23. Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Masip, D. “Hybrid Optimization Methodologies for Stochastic and Dynamic Systems”. VI Jornada de la Complexitat. Castelldefels, Spain. May 24, 2017. 
  24. Agustin, A.; Gruler, A.; De Armas, J.; Juan, A.: “Optimizing airline crew scheduling using biased randomization: A case study”. V Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI/MAEB 2016). September 13-16, 2016. Salamanca, Spain.
  25. Calvet, L.; Pages, A.; Travesset, O.; Juan, A.: “A Simheuristic for the Heterogeneous Site-dependent Asymmetric VRP with Stochastic Demands”. V Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI/MAEB 2016). September 13-16, 2016. Salamanca, Spain.
  26. Quintero, C.; Gruler, A.; Juan, A.: “Quantifying potential benefits of Horizontal Cooperation in urban transportation under uncertainty: A simheuristic approach”. V Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI/MAEB 2016).  Salamanca, Spain. September 13-16, 2016. 
  27. Juan, A.: “Why Simheuristics?”. 8th Int. Conference on Mathematical e-Learning. Madrid, Spain. May 5-6, 2016.
  28. Juan, A.: “Simheuristics in Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Problems”. Invited Talk at the Working Meeting on Port Logistics and Simulation. La Laguna, Spain. April 20-21, 2016.
  29. Juan, A.: “Formación e investigación en universidades online: logística y transporte en la UOC”. Invited Talk at the University of La Laguna. Tenerife, Spain. June 1st, 2015.
  30. Belloso, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Serrano, A.: “Applying Biased Randomization to a Multi-Round Approach to solve the Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls”. XXXV Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Pamplona, Spain. May 26-29, 2015.
  31. Juan, A.: “Simheuristic algorithms: applications to Logistics, Transportation, and Volunteer Computing”. Invited Talk at the Pompeu Fabra University. Barcelona, Spain. February 18, 2015.
  32. Juan, A.: “Simheuristics: extending metaheuristics to deal with stochastic optimization problems”. Invited Talk at the University of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain. January 21, 2015.
  33. Perez-Bernabeu, E.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. Selles, M.A. (2014): “Colaboración horizontal en logística”. Actas del II Congreso I+D+i Campus de Alcoi, pp. 57-60. ISBN: I978-84-942655-2-5 . November 11, Alcoi.
  34. Juan, A.: “Smart Logistics Simheuristics: a new tool for a complex world”. Invited Talk at the Pompeu Fabra University. Barcelona, Spain. October 9th, 2014.
  35. Juan, A.: “Simheuristics: extending metaheuristics to deal with stochastic optimization problems”. Invited Talk at the Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain. October 8th, 2014.
  36. Juan, A.: “Simheuristics: Combining Simulation with Metaheuristics for solving Complex Optimization Problems under Uncertainty scenarios”. Invited seminar at the EURO Summer Institute. Lleida, Spain. July 30, 2014.
  37. Juan, A.: “Smart Logistics and Simheuristics”. Invited Talk at the 2014 Spin UOC. Barcelona, Spain. June 12, 2014.
  38. Cabrera, G.; Gonzalez, S.; Juan, A.; Marques, J.: “Despliegue de replicas de servicios cercanas al usuario en entornos comunitarios”. XXII Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos. Morella, Spain. Junio 11-13, 2014. 
  39. Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Faulin, J.; Rabe, M.: “Simheuristics: hybridizing simulation with metaheuristics for decision-making under uncertainty”. First UOC International Research Symposium. Barcelona, Spain. December 18, 2013. 
  40. Caceres, J.; Juan, A.; Riera, D.; Lourenço, H.; Grasas, A.: “Randomized Heuristic Algorithms for Real Routing Problems”. First UOC International Research Symposium. Barcelona, Spain. December 18, 2013. 
  41. Perez-Bernabeu, E.; Juan, A.; Faulin; J.; Selles, M. (2013): “Cooperación Horizontal en Transporte por carretera: Un caso de varios almacenes demostrando ahorro en distancias y en emisión de contaminantes”. I Congreso I+D+i Campus de Alcoi – Creando Sinergias, pp. 75-78. ISBN: 978-84-941363-6-8. Nov 12, Alcoi.
  42. Faulin, J.; Juan, A.: “A Simulation-Optimization approach for solving the Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems”. I Simposio CEA de Modelado y Simulación. May 16-18, 2012. Logroño, Spain.
  43. Agustin, A.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Llorente, M.A.: “A Successive-Approximations Method for the Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem”. XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa (SEIO 2012). Madrid, April 17-20, 2012.
  44. Juan, A.; Cabrera, G.; Marques, J.; Aragones, C.: “Despliegue eficiente de servicios fiables sobre sistemas distribuidos”. In Proceedings of the XIX Jornadas de Concurrencia y Sistemas Distribuidos. June 8-10, 2011. La Granja, Segovia, Spain.
  45. Lourenço, H.; Grasas, A.; Juan, A.; Caceres, J.; Ribeiro, R.: “Integrated Distribution Problems”. Invited seminar at the Public University of Navarre, Spain. May 13, 2011. (HAROSA)
  46. Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ramos, J.: “Hybrid approaches to vehicle routing problems”. 2nd VerteVallee Seminar, Le Bataillet-Monteagut, France. October 10-11, 2010.
  47. Faulin, J.; Lera, F.; Juan, A.: “ALGACEA Algorithms for the CVRP using Environmental Criteria”. 2nd VerteVallee Seminar, Le Bataillet-Monteagut, France. October 10-11, 2010.
  48. Ionescu, D.; Juan, A.: “On the use of Probabilistic Algorithms in Nonsmooth Optimization”. Invited seminar at the School of Building Construction of Barcelona, Technical University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. June 24, 2010.
  49. Faulin, J.; Juan, A. : “El diseño de rutas óptimas para el transporte de mercancías: Análisis de casos representativos en empresas reales”. Invited seminar at the 7º Foro de Innovaciones Tecnológicas para el Transporte (TRANSNOVA 2010). Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain. May, 6, 2010.
  50. Marques, J.; Juan, A.: “Prácticas de Sistemas Distribuidos en Entornos Realistas”. Invited seminar at the V Taller de Sistemas Distribuidos. Universitat Jaume I, Castellon, Spain. February 1-2, 2010.
  51. Juan, A.; Daradoumis, T.: “SAMOS: Monitoring Students’ and Groups’ Activity in e-Learning Environments”. Invited seminar at the 2es Jornades d’Innovació UOC, Barcelona, Spain. October 16th, 2009.
  52. Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Serrat, C.; López, P.: “Structural reliability and fuzzy sets”. Invited seminar at the School of Building Construction of Barcelona, Technical University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. January 22nd, 2009.
  53. Juan, A.: “Developing a simulation-based algorithm for the vehicle routing problem”. Invited seminar at the Graduate School of Engineering, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain. December 5th, 2008.
  54. Juan, A.; Serrat, C.; Ferrer, C.; López, P.: “A simulation-based algorithm to predict time-dependent structural reliability”. Invited seminar at the School of Building Construction of Barcelona, Technical University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. November 19th, 2008.
  55. Daradoumis, A.; Juan, A.; Xhafa, F.: “A data analysis model based on control charts to monitor online learning processes”. MosaicLearning Workshop at the University of Valladolid. Valladolid, Spain, September 23-23, 2008.
  56. Juan, A. “Proyecto SAMOS: Seguimiento de estudiantes en entornos de e-learning”. Seminar of the UNESCO Chair on e-learning at the Open University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. July 2nd, 2008.
  57. Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Gilibert, M.; Ruiz, R.: “SimuRoute: a simulation-based algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem”. Invited seminar at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research of the Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain. April 18th, 2008.
  58. Juan, A.; Huertas, M.; Steegmann, C., Prat, M.: “Mathematical E-Learning: estado de la cuestión y experiencias en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya”. Invited seminar at the Centro Superior de Innovación Educativa of the Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain. April 17th, 2008.
  59. Juan, A.; Serrat, C.: “J-SAEDES: a Java-based simulation software to improve reliability and availability of computer systems and networks”. Invited seminar at the Dep. of Statistics and Operations Research of the Technical University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. November 20, 2007.
  60. Minguillón, J.; Juan, A.; Cavaller, V.: “Creación de un repositorio de objetos de aprendizaje en Estadística”. In Proceedings of the II Jornadas en Red sobre el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, pp. 124-125. ISBN: 978-84-691-0147-6. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain. November 16, 2007.
  61. Juan, A.: “Using simulation to determine reliability and availability of telecommunication networks”. Invited seminar at the Dep. of Statistics and Operations Research of the Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain. November 16, 2006.
  62. Juan, A.: “Estimating Complex System Availability via Simulation”. Invited seminar at the Dep. of Applied Mathematics I of the Technical University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. December 21, 2005.
  63. Juan, A.: “Aplicaciones de la Simulación Matemática a la Fiabilidad y Disponibilidad de Sistemas Complejos”. Invited seminar at the Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research of the Public University of Navarre. Pamplona, Spain. September 23, 2005.
  64. Juan, A.: “Aplicaciones de la Simulación Matemática a la Fiabilidad y Disponibilidad de Sistemas Complejos”. Invited seminar at the Dept. of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunication of the Open University of Catalonia. Barcelona, Spain. July 18, 2005.
  65. Huertas, M.; Juan, A.; et al: “Uso e integración de las TIC en asignaturas cuantitativas aplicadas”. XI Congreso Universitario en Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas. Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain. July 23-25, 2003.
  66. Juan, A.; Bargueño, V.: “Fiabilidad de sistemas complejos mediante simulación de Monte Carlo”. IV Jornadas de Fiabilidad. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. September 25-27, 2002.